During post disaster recovery period communication services are either not available or partially available. In times of limited communication services like these, innovative wireless networking applications can be helpful for systematizing chaotic situations. Disarm project aims in providing service and network level solutions for tackling various challenges related to the Post-Disaster Situation. The project is about developing a 4-tier, low cost, fast deployable and disaster-tolerant wireless communication infrastructure. A robust framework will be investigated and developed that will lead to a global need assessment from the piecewise localized views of the rescue teams and victims. Disarm’s major innovation lies in the construction of a coherent picture for overall situation analysis from different, partial, inflated, multi-modal information and development of distributed methods for post-disaster service management in presence of uncertainty that may range from unreliable (wireless) network links to diverse background of the victims as well as volunteers. This will also provide a coordination system to guide resource distribution among disaster victims. Experience gained from this project will enhance the preparedness of relief agencies and the first responder which will improve the use of smart devices for better coordination of relief efforts.
Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 22
Links/URL: http://www.facweb.iitkgp.ernet.in/~niloy/COURSE/Autumn2014/SmartPhone/index-2015.htmlRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 20
Links/URL: http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~bivasm/UB2016.htmlRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 42
Links/URL: http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~sandipc/Courses/CS_60019_Autumn_2017.htmlRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 66
Links/URL: http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~sandipc/Courses/CS_60019_Autumn_2015.htmlRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 100
Title: Complex NetworksRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 15
Links/URL: https://sites.google.com/view/complex-networkRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 10
Links/URL: https://sites.google.com/site/delaytolerantnetwork/mobile-computingRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 9
Links/URL: https://sites.google.com/view/intelligent-sensingRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 10
Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 25
Title: Wireless Communication and NetworksRemarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 40
Remarks: Registration date: 24/07/2017
Remarks: Date: March 2015
Participants: 100
Remarks: Date: 15th May 2015 to 30th June 2015
Participants: 22
Remarks: Date: 2013-2014
Participants: 6
Remarks: Date: 2014
Participants: 13
Remarks: Date: 2014-2015
Participants: 14
Remarks: Date: 2017
Participants: 9
Remarks: Date: 2018
Participants: 2
Remarks: Date: 2017-2018
Participants: 1
Remarks: Date: September, 2016
Participants: 50
Remarks: Date: June, 2017
Participants: 20
Jointly organized by IIMC and HIT Kolkata
Remarks: Date: Dec-Jan 2015
Participants: 30
Organized by IIEST Shibhpur and HIT Kolkata
Remarks: Date: September 2017
Participants: 50
Remarks: Date: 2015
Participants: 80
Organized jointly by NIT Durgapur and KGEC Kalyani
Remarks: Short term course
Date: 2015
Remarks: Date: June-July, 2015
Title: Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks Remarks: Date: June 2015
Participants: 50
Remarks: Date: September 2016
Participants: 50
Remarks: Date: April, 2017
Participants: 30
Remarks: Date: January, 2016
Remarks: Date: November, 2016
Participants: 50
Remarks: Date: December, 2017
Remarks: Date:17/11/2016
Participants: 30
Remarks: Date: 21/12/2016 to 23/12/2016
Participants: 20
Remarks: Date: April 2015
Title: Wireless Sensor Network in the context of Big Data Handling Remarks: Date: November, 2014
Remarks: Date: June 2015
Participants: 30
Remarks: Date: July 2015
Participants: 50
Remarks: Date: May, 2016
Remarks: Date: August, September, 2016
Remarks: Date: March,2017
Remarks: Participants: 70
Links/URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSB4rE3k6N-8dvNRBYSYKQ/videos Remarks: Participants: 30
Jointly organized by IIEST Shibhpur and HIT Kolkata
Remarks: Date: 2016
Participants: 35
Remarks: Date: July 10, 2016
Participants: 20
Remarks: Date: June 18, 2016
Participants: 20
Remarks: Date: 2nd-3rd January 2016
Participants: 100
Remarks: Date: 28th April to 1st May 2016
Participants: 20
Remarks: Date: December 17-18, 2015
Participants: 15
Remarks: December 9, 2014
Remarks: Date: Feb 10, 2015
Title: Systemic Intelligence Amod Malviya CTO FlipkartRemarks: January 18, 2015
Title: Multiplex networks: a Generative Model and Algorithmic Complexity by Ravi Sundaram Professor College of Computer and Information Science Northeastern UniversityRemarks: Date: July 03, 2015
Title: Research Promotion Workshop Remarks: Date: May 2015
Remarks: Date: February 2015
Participants: 100
Remarks: Date: June 2017
Participants: 100
Remarks: Date: 2014
Participants: 45
Remarks: Date: 2015
Participants: 70
Remarks: Date: March 2018
Participants: 150
Remarks: Year: 2016
Title: IBM DayRemarks: Year: October 2015
Title: Training to 50 Self Help Group members of Kandi, Murshidabad, using Smart phoneRemarks: Year: 2017
Remarks: Collaboration Area: Mock test of Cyclone in Sandeshkhali - 1 Block, Nazat Cyclone center, North 24 Parganas on July 15, 2016
Title: NDMA, NDRF etc.Remarks: Collaboration Area: Mock Drill on Flood at Kandi Sub-Division in Murshidabad District from 17th to 21th August, 2016 for ground testing the device prototypes and software systems
Title: CISF long with firefighting teamsRemarks: Collaboration Area: to improve their response with this system in place
Title: West Bengal State Disaster Management AuthorityRemarks: Collaboration Area: Pilot testing of the system at their disaster management sites in Asansol/Durgapur Region, West Bengal
Title: Durgapur Steel Plant (SAIL)Remarks: Collaboration Area: Mock Drill on Gas Leakage at Durgapur, June, 2017
Title: Directorate of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of West BengalRemarks: Collaboration Area: Spreading digital literacy across the Artisans , October 2017
Remarks: Collaboration Area: Post disaster situation analysis, data collection for resource mapping and field trial for developed Android apps.
Title: CASARemarks: Collaboration Area: collection of information on current disaster management practices and scope of using ICT in disaster management
Title: SPADE (an NGO working for empowerment of rural communities of West Bengal)Remarks: Collaboration Area: collection of information on current disaster management practices and scope of using ICT in disaster management
Title: Social Informatics Research Group, IIMCRemarks: Collaboration Area: Techno-Management Advisor and Project Coordinator
Title: Chandanpiri Sri Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, NamkhanaRemarks: Collaboration Area: Local community service organization managing local facilities
Title: Banglanatak dot comRemarks: Collaboration Area: : "Online Training Programme on Work-place English and Digital Literacy" in three villages of West Bengal in districts of Bankura, Burdwan and West Medinipur.
Remarks: Offered to: Disaster managers from Assam & Nagaland (NDRA & NDRF)
Remarks: Prof. Sipra Das Bit since 2013
Title: BOS memberRemarks: Prof. Siuli Roy since 2013
Title: NBARemarks: Prof. Sipra Das Bit since 2012
Title: AICTERemarks: Prof. Sipra Das Bit since 2013
1. | Fairness in Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks |
2. | A Novel Network Architecture for Resource-Constrained Post-Disaster Environments |
3. | SURAKSHIT: A smartphone-based application for `Localized' GIS Data Aggregation in absence of Internet |
4. | iSecure: Imperceptible and Secure Peer-to-peer Communication of Post-disaster Situational Data over Opportunistic DTN |
5. | Blended learning to improve quality of primary education among underprivileged school children in India |
6. | On Designing a Fast-Deployable `Localized' GIS Platform for using `Offline' during Post-Disaster Situation |
7. | Post-disaster map builder: Crowdsensed digital pedestrian map construction of the disaster affected areas through smartphone based DTN |