
RSS Characterization in Wireless Heterogeneous Network
R K Mishra, Rahul Agrahari; 2019 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS);2019


Fairness in Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks
Animesh RoyEmail authorTamaghna AcharyaSipra DasBit ; Wireless Networks Springer ;2019


A Novel Network Architecture for Resource-Constrained Post-Disaster Environments
Krishnandu Hazra?;?Vijay K. Shah?;?Mohd Bilal?;?Simone Silvestri?;?Sajal K. Das?;?Subrata Nandi?;?Sujoy Saha; COMSNETS, Bangalore;2019


SURAKSHIT: A smartphone-based application for `Localized' GIS Data Aggregation in absence of Internet
Partha Sarathi Paul, Naman Mehta, Aman Kumar Das, Sourav Agarwal, Sujoy Saha, Subrata Nandi ; ICDCN '19?Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking;2019


IoT System based Forecasting and Modeling Exceedance Probability and Return Period of Air Quality using Extreme Value Distribution
Barthwal, A., Acharya, D., Lohani, D.; SAS 2019 - 2019 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Conference Proceedings;2019


iSecure: Imperceptible and Secure Peer-to-peer Communication of Post-disaster Situational Data over Opportunistic DTN
Chandrima Chakrabarti,? Siuli Roy; ICDCN '19?Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking;2019


Blended learning to improve quality of primary education among underprivileged school children in India
Priyadarshini Dey and Somprakash Bandyopadhyay; Education and Information Technologies;2019


On Designing a Fast-Deployable `Localized' GIS Platform for using `Offline' during Post-Disaster Situation
Partha Sarathi Paul, Chandrika Mukherjee, Bishakh Chandra Ghosh, Sudipta Pandit; ICDCN '19?Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking;2019


Optimized Path Selection in Oceanographic Environment
SobhanaN V, RahulR K, Menon B G and Sherly E; Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications;2019


Post-disaster map builder: Crowdsensed digital pedestrian map construction of the disaster affected areas through smartphone based DTN
Suman Bhattacharjee, Siuli Roy, Sipra Das Bit; Computer Communications;2019


Reliable Post Disaster Services over Smartphone based DTN
Basu, Souvik, Roy, Siuli, DasBit, Sipra; Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Series, Springer Nature;2019


EnTER: An Encounter Based Throwbox Deployment Strategy for Enhancing Network Reliability in Post-disaster Scenarios over DTN
Suman Bhattacharjee, Sipra Dasbit ; 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ICDCN 19;2019


A Fair Decentralized Traffic Signal Control with Good Throughput Characteristics
S Konnur, G Ramadurai, K Jagannathan, G Raina; Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting;2018


Sensor node assisted DTN for a post-disaster scenario
Amit Kumar Gupta, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Indrajit Bhattacharya; ICDCN '19?Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking;2018


A jammer-resilient cognitive radio network using evolutionary game theory
Taggu A., Nath M., Banik P., Marchang N.; International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC;2018


Generalized Statistical Spectrum Occupancy Modeling and its Learning based Predictive Validation
Anirudh Agarwal, Ranjan Gangopadhyay; 2018 Twenty Fourth National Conference on Communications (NCC);2018


A multi-criteria evaluation approach in navigation technique for micro-jet for damage & need assessment in disaster response scenarios
Mondal T., Bhattacharya I., Pramanik P., Boral N., Roy J., Saha S., Saha S.; Knowledge-Based Systems;2018


Single Point Conducted EMI Sensor with Intelligent Inference for Detecting IT Appliances
Gulati M., Ram S.S., Majumdar A., Singh A.; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid;2018


Smartphone based traffic state detection using acoustic analysis and crowdsourcing
Dinesh Vij, Naveen Aggarwal; Applied Acoustics (Elsevier);2018


A Post Disaster Demand Forecasting System using Principal Component Regression Analysis and Case-Based Reasoning over Smartphone based DTN
Souvik Basu;?Siuli Roy?;?Sipra DasBit; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management;2018

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