Communication Assisted Road Transportation Systems

Road traffic congestion is a world-wide issue, especially, severe in the developing world which needs specific attention because of the contrasting nature of traffic as compared to developed countries. Traffic in developing countries, like India, is often chaotic with ineffective lane systems and much higher variability in size and speed of vehicles. While the use of public transportation is highly desirable, but uncertainty and overcrowding hinders its effectiveness. This calls for the need of Intelligent Transportation Systems especially designed for developing countries, like India. The project aims to construct an overarching communication framework that can help ease congestion, while also making it much easier for commuters to use public transportation, by harnessing the capabilities of wireless communication and mobile devices. In the project mobile-phone based sensing techniques are being developed and tested under various chaotic road conditions, and are being optimized for metrics such as the mobile’s power consumption. On-road static sensing techniques are also being developed and enhanced. A flexible and scalable Information gathering & dissemination framework is being developed, to collect the (crowdsourced) information centrally, via Mobile internet, WiFi & SMS, as well as disseminate it to interested users. Machine learning techniques are being used to deduce information from the gathered sensor data, and also to develop techniques for identification and elimination of noise/malicious data in crowd-sourced information. Example applications using the CARTS system, will be developed for Android & iOS based smart phone and also for basic phones.


  • Prof. K. K. Ramakrishnan, U.C Riverside, USA


  • Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
  • Transport authority, Chandigarh
  • Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
  • Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation
  • MHRD: Design & Innovation Center at UIET


  • PUBLICATIONS: 5 papers have been published in ITRA listed journals and conferences of international repute


  • SIX Courses Developed/Modified.


  • FOUR Workshops/ Conference/ Seminars Conducted


  • A real time bus information system using crowd sourcing;
  • A smartphone signal based pothole and bump detection system; and,
  • A Content-Centric Networking framework providing road traffic state classification, using smart-phone sensors; are few smartphone based systems/ technologies which are under advanced stages of development and has a potential of ToT/ Commercialization / Startup

Title: Smartphones and Next Generation Computing (Both UG & PG)

Remarks: Enrolment 20/semester; offered: 04 times


Title: Mobile Crowdsourcing and its Applications

Remarks: To be offered in the forthcoming semester

Title: Mobile Application Development for undergraduates

Remarks: PEC and UIET
Enrolment: 7


Title: Big Data Analytics Security and Privacy

Remarks: Enrollment - 8


Title: Security and Privacy

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 8


Title: Mobile Sensing
Title: IoT Lab
Title: Online course on Computer Networks

Remarks: Date: Jan-Mar 2015

Title: Computer Networks, CSPIT (Gujarat)

Remarks: Date: Mar 2015

Title: QEEE course, Comp. Networks, Comp. Arch

Remarks: Date: Mar 2015

Title: YCCE (Nagpur), Computer Networks

Remarks: Date: Oct 2015

Title: Expert Talk on IoT

Remarks: Participants: 60
Date: 17 April 2017

Title: Aspiring Souls

Remarks: Participants: 15
Date: 24 October 2017

Title: Android Workshop by Developer Student Club

Remarks: Participants: 25
Date: 31 October-11 November 2017

Title: ROS Workshop

Remarks: Participants: 22
Date: 19-23 December 2017

Title: 1 day Workshop on wireless networks

Remarks: Participants: 50

Title: Workshop on Big Data

Remarks: Participants:23
Date: 2-3 September 2017

Title: Workshop on 2G/3G Gateway

Remarks: Participants:10
Date: 18 Decemmber 2017

Title: Tic Tic: Find my bus (Mobile App to prdict ETA for CTU buses)

Remarks: Year: 2018;
Audience: 300 school children from the tri city

Title: Smart Patrol: Detecting potholes using Smartphones

Remarks: Tic Tic: Find my bus (Mobile App to prdict ETA for CTU buses)
Year: 2016;
Audience: 310 school children from the tri city

Title: Waypals

Remarks: Collaboration Area:Experimenting with OBDs

Title: Microsoft

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Research & Development Mentorhsip

Title: Mobond: m-indicator app

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Interactions on real-time bus/train tracking

Title: Chandigarh Administration

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Launch of ETA CTU buses Mobile App

Title: Chandigarh Police

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Jointly developing App for Detecting Road Accidents

Title: CERT

Remarks: Collaboration Area: School bus GPS data

Title: BMTC

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Shared their GPS data for analysis

Title: MSRI

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Road safety aspects

Title: MHRD: Design & Innovation Center
Title: Azim Premji Foundation
Title: Technologies to predict ETA using Smartphones
Title: Traffic State and Vehicle Detection App

Remarks: Mobile App developed for detecting the various traffic states, and the commuting modes using acoustics.

Title: E-rickshaw

Remarks: Mobile App developed for Panjab University by tracking location without GPS

Title: RoadResQ

Remarks: Mobile App developed for detecting road accidents and promoting safe driving (transferred to Chandigarh Police)

Title: Chandigarh Administration
Title: Chandigarh Police
Title: Participation in smart city Council of Chandigarh Smart City Project to develop their RFP for various smart city activities

Remarks: Offered to: Chandigarh Smart City Project

Title: Member, Technical Committee for Red Light Traffic Violation Detection and Cuty Surviellience, Chandigarh Adminsitration
Title: Technical Consultant for the Design and implementation of the Campus Wide Network at PGIMER having a magnitude of 5000 nodes, Chandigarh
Title: Member, Drafting of Information Security Policy for U.T. Administration
Title: Member, Project Appraisal and Review Committee for the Project “Development of Automatic Signatures Identification System though Modeling”, Directorate of Forensic Science, MHA
Title: Technical Member, Design and implementation of GPRS/CDMA based PCR van Tracking System for Chandigarh Police
Title: Technical Member, Design and Implementation of City Surveillance System” for Chandigarh Traffic Police
Title: Technical Member, "Design and Implementation of E-Traffic Chalan System” for Chandigarh Traffic Police


Smartphone based traffic state detection using acoustic analysis and crowdsourcing


Full paper
Dinesh Vij, Naveen Aggarwal
Applied Acoustics (Elsevier)
Year: 2018
Type: Journal Paper

Typically an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) employs various types of infrastructure-based technologies into vehicles and roadways for monitoring traffic. But these solutions have high installation, maintenance, and operational costs. Further, most of these solutions are based on the assumptions of lane-based organized and homogeneous traffic, due to which these are ineffective in less organized traffic conditions which are common in developing countries. In this paper, we have proposed a cost-effective approach to infer the traffic state of the road by analyzing the cumulative acoustic signal collected from the microphone sensor of the user’s smartphone. To capture the distinctive characteristics of various traffic scenes, we explored two different types of features: Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) and Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT). Based on the understanding of acoustic signals of different traffic scenes, various parameters of these features such as window size and MFCC dimensions are tuned for better detection accuracy and robustness. To validate the approach, field experiments were conducted in varied conditions on the roads of City X. Experimental results revealed that for binary traffic scene classification (‘busy-street’ vs. ‘quiet-street’), MFCC features are sufficient to get an overall accuracy of 100%. However, for ‘congestion’ vs. ‘medium-flow’ vs. ‘free-flow’ traffic scene classification, MFCC features yield a bit lower accuracy of 77.64%. In this scenario, it was observed that WPT features can be used to reduce the false positive rate, thereby providing an absolute gain of 11.38% in the classification accuracy over the MFCC baseline. Also, it has been observed that by crowdsourcing the traffic state information from multiple users’ smartphones, an effective accuracy improvement can be achieved for each traffic scene.


A smartphone-based technique to monitor driving behavior using DTW and crowdsensing


Full paper
Divya Bansal, Sanjeev Sofat, Gurdit Singh
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Safety issues while driving in smart cities are considered to be top-notch priority in contrast to traveling. Today’s fast paced society, often leads to accidents. In order to reduce the road accidents, one key area of research is monitoring the driving behavior of drivers. Understanding the driver behavior is an essential component in Intelligent Driver Assistance Systems. One of potential cause of traffic fatalities is aggressive driving behavior. However, drivers are not fully aware of their aggressive actions.


Smart patrolling: An efficient road surface monitoring using smartphone sensors and crowdsourcing


Full paper
Divya Bansal, Sanjeev Sofat, Naveen Aggarwal
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Road surface monitoring is an important problem in providing smooth road infrastructure to the commuters. The key to road condition monitoring is to detect road potholes and bumps, which affect the driving comfort and transport safety. This paper presents a smartphone based sensing and crowdsourcing technique to detect the road surface conditions. The in-built sensors of the smartphone like accelerometer and GPS 1 have been used to observe the road conditions.


ETA HTC: Estimating time of arrival under heterogeneous traffic conditions using crowdsensing


Full paper

In 2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI)
Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper


Traffic state detection using smartphone based acoustic sensing


Full paper
Nitakshi Sood, Arshvir Kaur, Dinesh Vij, Naveen Aggarwal
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
Year: 2017
Type: Poster

The traffic and number of vehicles on roads are increasing with an unstoppable pace, which in turn leads to the problem of traffic congestion. We propose the use of Acoustics to determine


Traffic State Detection Using Smartphone Based Acoustic Sensing


Full paper
Arshvir Kaur, Nitakshi Sood, Naveen Aggarwal, Dinesh Vij, Bhavdeep Sachdeva
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Traffic congestion occurs when the number of the vehicles increases more than the existing space of the road. This deleterious problem is increasing at an alarming rate in the whole world. For any effective Intelligent Transportation System, early detection of traffic congestion is very important to take corrective action. Several techniques have been developed to detect traffic congestion, most of which are infrastructure based. Even though these techniques are widely used, but they have many downsides as well. They require large capital input for installation as well as for maintenance. In this paper, we propose an efficient and cost-effective method using smartphones to determine the traffic state of the road. The acoustic data collected from commuter’s smartphone is segmented into fixed size frames. Various time and frequency based features such as (MFCC, Delta & Delta-Delta, ZCR, STE, and RMS) are extracted from each frame and used for detecting traffic state as ’busy street’ or ’quiet street’. We have compared the accuracy of two classifiers Support Vector Machines and Neural Network by using acoustic data collected from 320 different recording sessions. Experiments have shown that feature set having features MFCC, STE and RMS, results in better classification accuracy of 91.8% with Neural Network and 93% with SVM. Furthermore, various relevant factors affecting the classification accuracy are also tested like frame size, window functions, overlapping size and different combination of features. The frame size of 8192 and hamming window function proved to be more efficient than others.


A Review on Acoustic Vehicular Classification


Full paper
Shikha Soni, Naveen Aggarwal, Dinesh Vijj, Amit Doegar
International Conference on Communication, Computing and Networking (ICCCN 2017)
Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper

This paper presents a comprehensive study of the state-of-the-art acoustic signals for vehicular feature extraction and classification. Acoustic signals can be used as powerful means to analyze and monitor traffic. Various other sensors are also used for analysis, but they have certain limitations which are overcome by acoustics. The acoustic classification process includes acoustic data input, sensing unit, segmentation, feature extraction, classification, and outputs decision. Multi sensor real time environment consists of an acoustic classification system as its part for traffic monitoring and surveillance. In this paper, a comprehensive review of various acoustic features along with acoustic classifiers and the datasets used is presented. Different challenges related to acoustic vehicle recording data are also addressed.

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (0) 2015 (3) 2016 (5) 2017 (9) 2018 (1)
By Type
Conference (12) Journal (4) Poster (2) Book (0)

De-congesting India's transportation networks using mobile devices

Project Brochure New

Road congestion in India is a massive problem that is steadily getting worse. This calls for an urgent need to estimate congestion and traffic patterns on urban roads. Although much work has already been done by developed nations, but solutions for Indian cities need specific attention as the nature of traffic in India is fundamentally different from that of developed nations. This project envisages the use of mobile phones to estimate congestion and traffic patterns on urban roads. Based on the congestion metrics thus obtained, the project is developing algorithms and tools for traffic planning and management, using mobile phone as a service platform. The proposed solution strategy consists of two distinct focus areas. The first focus area deals with the problem of estimating mobile phone densities to measure prevailing congestion and traffic patterns. The second focus area involves developing algorithms for traffic routing, control and prediction, based on the estimated congestion. This work has enormous potential for applications such as dynamic route planning, peak hour rush control, routing of emergency vehicles to and from disaster affected areas, evacuation planning and traffic prediction. In addition, this work shall shed new conceptual insights into the general problem of controlling complex networks by bringing together ideas from several technical disciplines. The project also plans do a techno-economic evaluation of the system so as to understand and appreciate the extent of avoidable social costs caused by congestion.


  • Prof. P. R. Kumar, Texas A&M University, USA
  • Prof. D Manjunath, IIT Bombay


  • Aditya Gopalan, IISc, Bangalore
  • OLA Cabs, Hyderabad


  • PUBLICATIONS: 16 papers have been published in ITRA approved conferences/journals of international repute.


  • SEVEN Courses Developed/ Modified.


  • FIVE Workshops/ Conference/ Seminars Conducted.

Title: Nonlinear Dynamics

Title: Introduction to Modern Application Development

Title: Probability Foundations for Electrical Engineers

Title: Probability Foundations for Electrical Engineers

Remarks: Introduced measure-theoretic version of the course


Title: iWiz Education
Title: ITS Workshop 2015
Title: ITS Workshop 2016
Title: ITS Workshop 2017
Title: MobiHoc 2017
Title: ITS Workshop 2018
Title: Towards real-time simulation-based transportation optimization,

Remarks: Prof. Carolina Osorio (MIT), 2016

Title: Ambulance services in India: Novel models for network design and operations

Remarks: Prof. Lavanya Marla (UIUC), 2016

Title: Traffline
Title: Ola
Title: Dr. Gauarav Raina; Mobile Payment Forum of India
Institutes: IIT-MADRAS

Remarks: 2017 - 2019


Concentration bounds for empirical conditional value-at-risk The unbounded case


Full paper
Ravi Kumar Kolla, Prashanth L.A, Sanjay P. Bhat, Krishna Jagannathan
2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS)
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

In several real-world applications involving decision making under uncertainty, the traditional expected value objective may not be suitable, as it may be necessary to control losses in the case of a rare but extreme event. Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) is a popular risk measure for modelling the aforementioned objective. We consider the problem of estimating CVaR from i.i.d. samples of an unbounded random variable, which is either sub-Gaussian or sub-exponential. We derive a novel one-sided concentration bound for a natural sample-based CVaR estimator in this setting. Our bound relies on a concentration result for a quantile-based estimator for Value-at-Risk (VaR), which may be of independent interest.


How aggressive a driver is ? A quantitative analysis


Full paper
Subinay Dasgupta, Sitabhra Sinha (Cornell University )
Year: 2018
Type: Journal Paper

Consider a bottleneck in a road through which only one car can pass through. Suppose that at a time the car passing will have the most aggressive driver in queue and that the aggressiveness of an individual is measured by an attribute A ≡ Nτ σ where the quantity N varies randomly from person to person in the range 0 to 1, τ is the time for which the driver is waiting in the bottleneck and the parameter σ is the same for all individuals. Thus, we assume that the aggressiveness depends on the nature of the individual and increases with waiting time in a traffic jam. In support of the algebraic form of A, we show (numerically and analytically) that our hypothesis implies that the probability of waiting for a time τ will be P(τ ) ∝ τ α with the value of α fixed by σ. Empirical studies confirm such variation in P(τ ) with an exponent of 3.0 to 3.5 in two different cities of India and 1.5 for a traffic intersection in Germany. There is a possibility that the parameter σ (and hence α) is characteristic of a geographical region.




Full paper
Gitakrishnan Ramadurai, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina, Sneha Konnur
2018 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper

In this paper, we study the problem of devising a signal control policy for road transportation networks that is fair and provides high throughput. In particular, we propose and study a novel Queue-Delay Backpressure algorithm with variable cycle length, that takes into account both the queue lengths and the head-of-line delay at a junction. Using a variety of simulations, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves a middle ground between maximizing throughput and minimizing the maximum delays incurred. We then optimize cycle lengths to achieve minimum weighted sum of delays. Finally, we also study the effect of explicitly considering start-up losses in headways while optimizing the cycle lengths, and conclude that it is beneficial to consider these effects while designing signal control policies.


The modified optimal velocity model: stability analyses and design guidelines


Full paper
Gopal Krishna Kamath, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Reaction delays are important in determining the qualitative dynamical properties of a platoon of vehicles traveling on a straight road. In this paper, we investigate the impact of delayed feedback on the dynamics of the Modified Optimal Velocity Model (MOVM). Specifically, we analyze the MOVM in three regimes – no delay, small delay and arbitrary delay. In the absence of reaction delays, we show that the MOVM is locally stable. For small delays, we then derive a sufficient condition for the MOVM to be locally stable. Next, for an arbitrary delay, we derive the necessary and sufficient condition for the local stability of the MOVM. We show that the traffic flow transits from the locally stable to the locally unstable regime via a Hopf bifurcation. We also derive the necessary and sufficient condition for non-oscillatory convergence and characterize the rate of convergence of the MOVM. These conditions help ensure smooth traffic flow, good ride quality and quick equilibration to the uniform flow. Further, since a Hopf bifurcation results in the emergence of limit cycles, we provide an analytical framework to characterize the type of the Hopf bifurcation and the asymptotic orbital stability of the resulting non-linear oscillations. Finally, we corroborate our analyses using stability charts, bifurcation diagrams, numerical computations and simulations conducted using MATLAB


Forecasting Supply in Voronoi Regions for App-Based Taxi Hailing Services


Full paper
Ravina Gelda, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina
6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT 2017)
Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper

In this paper, we deal with the problem of supply forecasting in the context of an application based taxi hailing service. We first propose a method to optimally partition the city space using a Voronoi tessellation. The generating points of the Voronoi regions are obtained as demand density cluster centers, from the taxi demand dataset. We also identify the optimal temporal resolution to use for forecasting supply in these Voronoi regions. We use a linear time-series based algorithm to forecast supply in each Voronoi region. Using this methodology for the city of Bengaluru, India, we obtained a supply forecast accuracy of about 90 percent for the heavily used Voronoi regions. This represents a substantial improvement in the forecast accuracy compared to similar time-series based approaches, employed over rectangular geohashes


A computational study of a variant of the optimal velocity model with no collisions


Full paper
Gopal Krishna Kamath, Krishna Jagannathan, Gaurav Raina
2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

The Optimal Velocity Model (OVM) is a carfollowing model that captures some interesting real-world phenomena. There are two key variants of this model, which depend on whether they capture the dynamics of a platoon of vehicles travelling on a circular loop, or on an infinitely long road. In this paper, we numerically compare the OVM analysed by Orosz et al. [8] (which considers a circular loop) and the recently-proposed Modified Optimal Velocity Model (MOVM) (which considers an infinitely long road). A key insight obtained is that the variant with periodic boundary conditions could lead to collisions, which appears to be absent in the MOVM. We also derive a necessary condition for non-oscillatory convergence of the MOVM for autonomous vehicles to avoid oscillatory movements


A new technique to find candidate links for map matching for transportation applications


Full paper
Prashant Kumar, Radha Krishna Ganti, Gaurav Raina
2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS)
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Algorithms for map matching are important for numerous transport applications. Typically, the first step in the development of such algorithms one needs techniques for finding candidate road segments. Most proposals for finding candidate road segments are either computationally very intensive, or not very precise, which puts additional burden on the rest of the algorithm. In this paper, we propose a new quantity called an Alignment Quotient (AQ) to find road segments in close proximity to a GPS data point. We also propose an algorithm that employs the AQ to find candidate road segments, and we conduct a preliminary analysis for the same

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (0) 2015 (3) 2016 (9) 2017 (3) 2018 (2)
By Type
Conference (13) Journal (4) Poster (0) Book (0)

Mobile Broadband Service Support over Cognitive Radio Networks

Project Brochure New

The large population of connected devices imposes a great demand on spectrum resource, which is now crowded with most frequency segments being statically and exclusively allocated to specific types of wireless devices. On the other hand, at any given time and place, less than 10 percent of the allocated spectrum is being utilized. Cognitive Radio is the next generation technology option further increase availability of spectrum by using these unused spectrum (white spaces/ spectrum holes) efficiently, opportunistically, and dynamically without causing any unacceptable interference to the licensed primary user. While the cognitive sensing has been investigated in recent years, there is a need to develop sophisticated methods that are reliable at low SNRs. There has been relatively less work on upper layer issues, such as the effects of distributed transmit power control, packet error rate and quality of service guarantee, as well as device level issues, such as energy constraints. Further, studies on the usage of cognitive radios for mobile medical health-care support are quite nascent. This project envisages a comprehensive approach to the design issues related to architectural planning, physical layer alternatives and their impact, medium access protocols and network layer processing including dynamic spectrum coordination, energy efficiency, individual and group mobility support, and broadband service provisioning on low-power flexible cognitive radio platform. In view of an urgent need for technologies for national-level mobile health-care support, and the fact that there has been no significant ongoing effort in the country on such technology development, application areas in this research project would fill this gap.


  • Dr. R Chandramouli, NSF SAVI: Institute for Cognitive Networking, New Jersey
  • Dr. Mainak Chatterjee, University of Central Florida, Orlando
  • Dr. Chitrabrata Ghosh, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara
  • Prof. Sridhar Varadharajan, IIIT Bangalore
  • Dr. R Ramjee, Microsoft, Bangalore


  • ISI Kolkata
  • SAMEER Kolkata


  • PUBLICATIONS: 74 papers have been published in conferences/ journals, out of which, 30 papers are in ITRA approved conferences/ journals of international repute.


  • SIXTEEN Courses Developed/Modified.


  • FIVE Workshops/ Conference/ Seminars Conducted.


Title: An elective course on cognitive radio
Title: An elective course on "Cognitive Radio Networks"

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering:18

Title: 10 SDR Lab experiments utilizing "Xilinx System Generator, Vivado-HLS &USRP " and MATLAB software have been designed for PG students
Title: Several SDR based experiments have been developed as a part of the Wireless Communication Lab at LNMIIT

Remarks: Application Number:201811010849
Filing Date: March 23, 2018

Title: Short Term Course on Advanced Wireless Sensor Network

Remarks: Date: 26th Sept. 2016

Title: Flexible Hybrid WDM Optical Access Network-- Last Mile Unlimited Bandwidth Access

Remarks: Participants: 100 (Industry, ECE/CSE faculty, PhD, Masters, and Bachelors students)
Date: 29th May, 2014

Title: Invited tutorial in TEQIP-II Short-Term course on Recent Trends in Communication, Signal Processing, and VLSI, NIT Silchar

Remarks: Participants:50 (EE/CSE faculty, PhD, Masters, and Bachelors students)
Date: Feb. 2017

Title: Invited tutorial in Short-Term Faculty Development Program Towards 5G

Remarks: Participants:20 (EE faculty, PhD and Masters students)
Date: Dec. 2016

Title: Invited tutorial in Short-Term Course on Advanced Wireless Sensor Networks at IIEST-Shibpur, Howrah

Remarks: Participants:30
Date: Sep. 2016
2 sessions by Prof. Abhirup Dasbarman and by Prof. Swades De

Title: Invited tutorial at DRDO-sponsored Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IISc Bangalore

Remarks: Participants:50 (ECE faculty, research students, DRDO researchers)
Date: Oct. 2015

Title: Invited lectures at Shiv Nadar University, Ambedkar Institute, Kurukshetra university and NITTR

Remarks: Participants: at least 60 in each institute
Date: 2015 and 2016

Title: Workshop on Licensed Shared Access held at IIT Delhi, New Delhi
Institutes: IIT-DEL

Remarks: Participants:70
Date: 16th June 2015

Title: Workshop on Modelling, Simulation and Computational Techniques (WMSC-2015) held at LNMIIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Remarks: Participants:30 (ECE faculty, PhD, Masters, and Bachelors students)
Date: 2015

Title: Cognitive Radio Network with hands-on experiments

Remarks: Participants: 30
Date: 17th March 2016

Title: Next Generation Optical Access Technologies Through Fiber to Optical Wireless Research Towards Unlimited Bandwidth Access

Remarks: Participants: 30
Date: 26th to 29th September 2016

Title: Invited lectures/seminar at Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Remarks: Participants: 20 (DET/Networks faculty and PhD students)
Date: Jun. 2014

Title: Invited talk in the workshop Cognitive radio networks: Prospects and challenges, in the department of Computer Science and Engineering,NERIST

Remarks: Participants:30 (CSE faculty, PhD, Masters, and Bachelors students)
Date: 8-9 April, 2016
3 lectures by Prof. RanjanGangopadhyay, Prof. AbhirupDasbarman, and Prof. Swades De

Title: Invited seminar as a part of the Institute Seminar Series, at IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Participants:30 (ECE faculty, PhD and Masters students)

Date: Nov. 2016

Title: Invited research talk at the INTEL Industry-Academia research interaction forum

Remarks: Participants: 10 each (INTEL researchers, other invited speakers in the individual sessions)
[two separate tracks: Communications: Prof. Shankar Prakriya; Low power systems: Prof. Swades De]
Date: Oct. 2016

Title: Invited seminar at NIT Calicut, Oct. 2016

Remarks: Participants:30 (ECE faculty, PhD and Masters students)
Date: Oct. 2016

Title: Invited talk at TCS Innovations Lab, Bangalore

Remarks: Participants:10 (TCS researchers)
Date: Jan 2015

Title: AMITEC Ltd., Delhi

Remarks: Collaboration Area:SDR platforms for cognitive radio experiments

Title: ISI Kolkata

Remarks: Collaboration Area:Joint work on theoretical mobility management issues

Title: SAMEER Kolkata

Remarks: Collaboration Area:Microwave measurements at high frequencies

Title: IITD: Collaboration with Banda Singh bahadur College (Punjab) faculty

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Cognitive radio, resulted in an IEEE journal article

Title: LNM-SpectrObs (An Android App for Spectrum Observatory of Rajasthan State, Product Domain: Software)
Title: RF-SpectroPi (Product Domain: Hardware)
Title: National Study Group for ITU-R recommendations on Broadcasting Services

Remarks: Year: 2018

Title: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Remarks: Year: 2018

Title: Member of COMSNETS Association

Remarks: Year:2017

Title: Associate Editor, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

Remarks: Year: 2017

Title: Senior Editor, IEEE Communications Letters

Remarks: Year: 2016

Title: Associate Editor, IETE Technical Review Journal

Remarks: Year: 2016


Performance of Incremental Relaying Protocols for Cooperative Multihop CRNs


Full paper
Hari Krishna Boddapati, Manav R. Bhatnagar, Manav R. Bhatnagar
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Year: 2018
Type: Journal Paper

Multi-hop relaying is used for increasing the communication range of cognitive radio networks (CRNs). To circumvent the implied loss in throughput due to multi-hop relaying, in this paper, we propose incremental relaying (IR) for cooperative multi-hop cognitive radio networks (CMHCRNs). Two IR protocols that select a relay from the qualified relays (the relays whose received signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) values are greater than a predefined threshold) in each hop are proposed to study the performance of the considered CMHCRN. The first protocol is named as IR based highest SNR (IR-HSNR) protocol that selects a relay with best SNR to the destination. Another one, termed as IR based highest transmit power (IR-HTP) protocol, selects a relay with highest available transmit power. Expressions for the exact outage probability and throughput are derived for both routing protocols by considering both peak-power and peakinterference constraints. Moreover, closed-form expressions for floor values of outage probability and throughput are derived for both the protocols. It is shown through numerical results that throughput of the considered system shows a concave behavior with respect to number of relaying hops for both the proposed protocols. It is further observed that the performance of the IRHSNR is superior to that of the IR-HTP, whereas the latter has lower implementation complexity.


Optimization of Cognitive Two-Way Networks With Energy Harvesting Relays


Full paper
Supreet Singh, Sudhakar Modem, Shankar Prakriya
IEEE Communications Letters
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

This letter investigates the performance of an analog network coding based underlay cognitive two-way energy harvesting relay network. The amplify-and-forward relay harvests energy using the power-splitting relaying (PSR) protocol. Using approximate expressions for the terminal outages, throughput, and ergodic sum-rate, we derive insights into performance. Specifically, we derive closed-form expressions for the throughput maximizing interference temperature apportioning parameter (ITAP) and the PSR parameter, and show that they can be optimized separately. We also derive a closed-form expression for the ergodic sum-rate maximizing PSR parameter, and show that an ITAP of half maximizes ergodic sum-rate. Simulations demonstrate the accuracy of the derived expressions.


Secrecy Performance of an Idle Receiver Assisted Underlay Secondary Network


Full paper
Pratik Chakraborty, Shankar Prakriya
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

In this letter, we derive an expression for the secrecy outage probability of a multiuser underlay downlink in which a selected idle secondary user serves as a friendly jammer to enhance physical-layer secrecy of secondary downlink communication in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. Secondary nodes constrain their transmit powers to ensure that the interference caused to the primary network is below an interference temperature limit IP . We show that careful apportioning of IP between the secondary source and the selected jammer (which transmit simultaneously), and judicious choice of peak powers, is the key to improving secrecy performance. Computer simulation results demonstrate accuracy of the derived expressions.


Performance of Secondary Network With Primary Beamforming-Assisted Energy Harvesting Transmitters


Full paper
Komal Janghel, Shankar Prakriya
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

In this paper, we consider a novel energy-harvesting (EH) cognitive radio framework in which the primary source beamforms excess available energy to an EH secondary transmitter (ST) so as to enable it to share the spectrum. In the first phase of transmission, the multi-antenna primary source optimally beamforms symbols to its decode and forward relay while beamforming all excess energy to a selected EH ST. In the second phase while the relay transmits symbols to a selected primary receiver, the EH ST transmits symbols using underlay principles to its secondary receiver. Assuming peak interference constraints at the STs, we derive approximate expressions for outage probability and ergodic rate of the secondary link with the optimal beamformer. Using asymptotic expressions for outage and ergodic rate, we derive useful insights into performance of the system.We show that diversity equal to the number of secondary transmitters is achieved by the considered system. Computer simulations confirm accuracy of the derived expressions.


Performance of Adaptive Link Selection with Buffer-Aided Relays in Underlay Cognitive Networks


Full paper
Bhupendra Kumar, Shankar Prakriya
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

In this paper, we investigate the performance of a three-node dual-hop cognitive radio network (CRN) with a halfduplex (HD) decode-and-forward (DF) buffer-aided relay. We derive expressions for the average rate and symbol error rate (SER) performance of an adaptive link selection based channelaware buffer-aided relay (CABR) scheme that imposes peakpower and peak-interference constraints on the secondary nodes, and compare them with those of conventional non-buffer-aided relay (CNBR) and conventional buffer-aided relay (CBR) schemes for a delay-tolerant system. For a finite-sized buffer, we analyze the performance of a modified threshold-based scheme for fixedrate transmission. We analyze the trade-offs between the delay, throughput and SER. Computer simulation results are presented to demonstrate accuracy of the derived expressions. Keywords - Underlay Cognitive Network, Adaptive Link Selection, Buffer-Aided Relay.


Performance Analysis of Cluster-Based Multi-Hop Underlay CRNs Using Max-Link-Selection Protocol


Full paper
Hari Krishna Boddapati, Manav R. Bhatnagar, Shankar Prakriya
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

in this paper, we study the performance of a cluster-based multi-hop underlay cognitive radio network using an ad-hoc routing protocol (called max-link-selection protocol) with decode-and-forward relays over Rayleigh fading channels. Both peak-power and peak-interference constraints are considered in the system. At first, the end-to-end exact and asymptotic outage probabilities of the considered system are derived. By using the derived asymptotic outage, an approximate expression for the optimum number of hops that minimize the outage probability is derived for fixed-rate and fixed-distance between the source and destination nodes. Later, the exact and asymptotic expressions are derived for end-to-end symbol-error-rate (SER) and ergodic-rate of the considered system. Numerical results are presented to validate the derived analytical expressions. It is shown by analysis that with increasing number of relaying hops between the source and destination, the SER performance improves but the ergodic-rate declines


Throughput of Underlay Cognitive Energy Harvesting Relay Networks with an Improved Time-Switching Protocol


Full paper
Komal Janghel, Shankar Prakriya
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

We consider a two-hop underlay cognitive relay network with an energy harvesting (EH) relay. A simple improved time-switching protocol is proposed in which energy is transmitted in subslots until the relay node is sufficiently charged. The number of charging energy subslots required is fed back to the source by the relay node after the first energy subslot. We demonstrate that the proposed EH transmission scheme can yield better secondary throughput performance as compared to that achieved by an optimal EH transmission protocol using a fixed charging duration, while at the same time eliminating the need for feedback of channel estimates. We first analyze throughput when the source does not possess first-hop channel knowledge, but the relay possesses second hop channel knowledge. We then analyze throughput performance in the important case when the second hop channel estimate is in error, or the practical case when this channel estimate is not available. We show that when the second hop channel estimate is poor, it might be beneficial to use knowledge of only its statistical value. We show that the proposed scheme is energy efficient in terms of energy required per transmitted bit. Computer simulation results validate the derived expressions.

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (11) 2015 (22) 2016 (28) 2017 (12) 2018 (1)
By Type
Conference (48) Journal (23) Poster (1) Book (2)

Towards context aware sensing, inference and actuation for applications in Energy and Healthcare

Project Brochure New

Recent advances in mobile computing and networking have resulted in low cost pervasive sensing, ubiquitous communications networks and mobile platforms with more on-device computation than ever before. This allows large scale connectivity while leveraging cloud computation. Although, much of the sensing and mobile devices have become part of everyday life, their relevance and applicability towards developing interdisciplinary solutions for critical application domains like energy and healthcare, is yet untapped, due to several technical and contextual limitations. HumanSense project is applying the aforesaid advancements to address domains of energy and healthcare by empowering users with information that helps them in decision making and thus optimizing on the limited available resources. Relevant interdisciplinary solutions are being developed using a distributed cyber physical infrastructure to collect high resolution data about user activity and its associated context (e.g. environmental, social, economic, cultural and educational). Collected data, after suitable processing, establishment of data quality and understanding of the context in which the data is collected, will help in achieving optimal decisions both at the individual and the system level. A system comprising hardware platforms, mobile middleware, distributed server software and algorithms will be developed that can measure personalized energy impact and provide personalized recommendations towards energy conservation. Similarly, a scalable system to provide efficient, integrated and affordable healthcare services will be developed. This system comprising mobile based health kit, GIS integrated modular server side software, and related algorithms, will be test deployed in some hospitals.


  • Prof. Sumit Roy, University of Washington, USA
  • Dr. Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, IBM Research, Melbourne
  • Dr. Venkat Padmanabhan, Microsoft Research, Bangalore


  • Dr. Mona Duggal, PGIMER, Chandigarh


  • PUBLICATIONS: 42 papers have been published in conferences/ journals, out of which, 17 were presented in ITRA approved conferences/journals of international repute.
  • PATENTS: Submitted TWO Patents
    • A Smart phone builder kit; &
    • Smart phone based remote monitoring & alerting system.


  • TEN Courses Developed/ Modified


  • FOUR Summer/ Monsoon/ Winter Schools Conducted.
  • TWENTY THREE Workshops/ Conference/ Seminars Conducted.


  • Heart health monitoring Cardio watch; Smartphone kit to serve as LINUX PC; and System to sense, analyse and enhance home energy usage are few technologies that may lead to a Commercialization/ Startup


Title: Wireless Sensor Networks/Mobile Sensing
Institutes: SNU-GN

Remarks: Typical enrolment: 15
This course will provide an overview of wireless sensor networks and will cover a wide range of topics including node architecture, operating systems, Medium Access Control, routing protocols, time synchronization, localization, energy management, programming abstractions, mobility, and applications

Title: Spatial data analysis
Institutes: SNU-GN

Remarks: Average Enrolment: 10
The contents developed by GIS experts from SHIV NADAR University are:
1. A unique way of collecting environmental data (indoor and outdoor)
2. Spatial Data modeling
3. Interpolation technique applications

Title: Programming Cloud Services for Mobile Applications
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Developed and is being offered. CSE-635, IIIT-Delhi

Title: Programming Cloud Services for Mobile Applicaitons
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Developed and deliverd a course on Cloud Mobile systems covering topics like Middleware. The course is a 600 level course

Title: Developing web-GIS application for energy usage and Analyses
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Geospatial courseware for Master's programme

Title: Design & Development of Mobile Device
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering:30
Added for M.Tech in Mobile & Pervasive Computing syllabus at IGDTUW


Title: Mobile Architecture and Programming
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering:30
Added for B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering syllabus at IGDTUW


Title: Embedded System Design
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering:60
Added for B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering syllabus at IGDTUW


Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: SNU-GN

Remarks: Enrolment per class: 40.
Offered to final year B.Tech CSE majors and PhD students in Monsoon 2016

Title: Introduction to C and Embedded C using 8051 platforms
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 60


Title: Design and development of Android Based IOT Devices using Snapdragon
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering:60


Title: 8051 based on Embedded System
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering:60


Title: NPTEL course on Mobile Computing

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 11000+

Title: A state-of-the-art IOT Laboratory
Institutes: SNU-GN

Remarks: Established with partial support from DELL Inc., the IoT Laboratory at SNU Computer Science and Engineering department is an ultra-modern smart facility that provides complete support for research and development of end-to-end IoT systems.

The IoT Laboratory is equipped with sophisticated hardware like microcontroller boards, sensors & actuators, LED screens, computing devices, IoT cloud interfaces, and gateway devices – all suitably integrated in a smart test environment.

This smart lab offers specialized CSE courses, namely, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless & Mobile Systems and Distributed Systems. It provides opportunities for students to learn theoretical concepts, develop, and deploy prototypes by doing hands-on experiments for real life problems and funded research projects.

Title: Advanced Topics in Mobile Computing
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 20

Title: Interfacing external sensors
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: : Introduced the topic of interfacing external sensors with mobile phones, in the Mobile Computing Course offered in the Monsoon semester at IIIT Delhi

Title: Data Provenance
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: A course module on Data Provenance is added at IIIT-Delhi

Title: A course on ad-hoc wireless networks at IIIT Delhi
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Incorporate the modeling into suitable courses at IIIT Delhi (e.g. Mobile Computing, Advanced Mobile Computing)

Title: : A course in Internet of things
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Develop course modules on health informatics
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Incorporate the modeling into suitable courses
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: e.g. Mobile Architecture and programming

Links/URL: 1.

Title: Big Data Analytics Course
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Advanced Topics in Mobile Computing
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 20

Title: Interfacing external sensors
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: : Introduced the topic of interfacing external sensors with mobile phones, in the Mobile Computing Course offered in the Monsoon semester at IIIT Delhi

Title: Data Provenance
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: A course module on Data Provenance is added at IIIT-Delhi

Title: A course on ad-hoc wireless networks at IIIT Delhi
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Incorporate the modeling into suitable courses at IIIT Delhi (e.g. Mobile Computing, Advanced Mobile Computing)

Title: : A course in Internet of things
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Develop course modules on health informatics
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Incorporate the modeling into suitable courses
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: e.g. Mobile Architecture and programming

Links/URL: 1.

Title: Big Data Analytics Course
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Advanced Topics in Mobile Computing
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 20

Title: Interfacing external sensors
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: : Introduced the topic of interfacing external sensors with mobile phones, in the Mobile Computing Course offered in the Monsoon semester at IIIT Delhi

Title: Data Provenance
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: A course module on Data Provenance is added at IIIT-Delhi

Title: A course on ad-hoc wireless networks at IIIT Delhi
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi

Remarks: Incorporate the modeling into suitable courses at IIIT Delhi (e.g. Mobile Computing, Advanced Mobile Computing)

Title: : A course in Internet of things
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Develop course modules on health informatics
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Incorporate the modeling into suitable courses
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: e.g. Mobile Architecture and programming

Links/URL: 1.

Title: Big Data Analytics Course
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Embedded system lab
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Design and innovation lab
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Mobile Architecture and Programming
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Wireless Sensor Network
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Data Communication and Networking
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Design and development of Mobile Devices
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi
Title: Designed an online portal to support the latest developments taking place in the college curricular activities
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Online lab manuals for easy student accessibility


Title: A System for Building, Customizing Software and Hardware Interfaces of Smart Phone using Raspberry Pi,
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Application Number: 2354/DEL/2015
Filing Date: 28/01/2015

Title: Aqua-parameters monitoring and controlling
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Application Number: 201611017103
Filing Date: 8/5/2016

Title: Aqua-parameters monitoring and controlling
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Delhi
Application Number: 201611017103 May 8, 2016

Title: Summer/ winter workshop with modules on sensing and data analytics
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: a half day course: Mobile Sensing in Environmental Monitoring in 6th Summer Training Program 2015
Institutes: IIIT-Delhi
Title: Build Your Own Smart Device based upon open platforms (Android and Linux) and windows 10
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 05-06-2017 to 14-07-2017
6 weeks Summer Training Program 8 (STP 8) 3, organized for students, held at IGDTUW in association with Microsoft and MHRD projects

Title: Build Your Own IoT enabled Smart Device
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 06-06-2016 to 15-07-2016
6 weeks Summer Training Program 7 (STP 7) organized for students, held at IGDTUW in association with Microsoft and MHRD projects

Title: Build Your Own Smart Device based upon open platforms (Android and Linux) and windows 10
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 15-06-2015 to 24-07-2015
6 weeks Summer Training Program 6 (STP 6) organized for students, held at IGDTUW in association with Microsoft and MHRD projects

Title: Mobile Architecture & Programming by using J2ME (Asha OS), .Net, Nokia X, Python & Linux
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 41
Date: 16-06-2014 to 25-07-2014
6 weeks Summer Training Program 5 (STP 5) organized for students, held at IGDTUW in association with Microsoft and MHRD projects

Title: Hands on workshop on Raspberry Pi & Intel (Galileo Gen-2)
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 45
Date: 20 & 21 March 2015
Venue: NIT Warangal

Title: Smart Phone: Design & Development
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Venue: Amity School of engineering & Technology, NOIDA

Title: Smart Devices: Design & Development
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: 11. Participants: 38
Venue: Bhaskaracharya College, Delhi University

Title: Smart Phone: Design & Development
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 42
Venue: NIT Silchar

Title: Introduction to Embedded C
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 55
Date: 23rd May 2015

Title: One day workshop on "Experiments on Raspberry Pi" for M.Tech 1st and 2nd year students.
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 55

Title: Two days workshop on Build your own smart device using Intel Galileo, Raspberry Pi at MSRIT, Bengaluru
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants:50
Date: 1st-2nd July 2016

Title: One day workshop on Embedded System using Intel Galileo Gen 2
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 40
Date: 2nd April 2016

Title: Intel RealSense
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants:30
Date: 18th July 2016
One day workshop

Title: One Week hands-on workshop on Building Your Own Smart Phone for faculty at NITTR
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 40
Date: 16 to 20 May 2016

Title: One day hands-on workshop on Raspberry Pi and its interfaces for B.Tech students
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 65
Date: 13 Feb 2016

Title: Two days hands-on workshop on Build My_ Smart Phone for faculty at MSRIT
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 31
Date: 07 & 08 Jan 2016

Title: 5 days training cum workshop on My Smart Phone at NITTTR, Chandigarh
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 40
Date: 4-8 May 2015

Title: 1 Day hands-on workshop on PCB Designing in association with RS Components
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 30
Date: 23rd May 2015

Title: 1 Day hands-on workshop on Galilieo Gen2 in association with Intel
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants:40
Date: 1st March 2015

Title: Mobile Architecture and Programming a Practical Approach by using smart phone kit
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 4th July 2016

Title: Invited lectures on "Mobile Architecture and Programming a Practical Approach by using smart phone kit”
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 3rd July 2016

Title: Invited lectures on "Mobile Architecture and Programming a Practical Approach by using smart phone kit and IoT”
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 9th July 2016

Title: Invited lectures on "IoT and Smart phone kit"
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: 10th July 2016

Title: Invited lectures on "IoT and Smart phone kit"
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants:60
Date: December 2016

Title: Mobile Computing
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 11000+

Title: Conducted Workshops on Smart Devices at NITTTR Chandigarh, Chitkara University and at IGDTUW for faculties in association with Microsoft.
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: No. of participants: 40

Title: One day workshop on Intel Galileo Gen -2 organized in association with Intel
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 40
Date: April 2016, June 2016, June 2017

Title: One day workshop on PCB Designing organized in association with RS Components
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Participants: 30
Date: 23 May 2015

Title: Ubiquitous Sensing for Effective Living
Institutes: SNU-GN

Remarks: Date: 20-21st November

Title: ATMEL University Program

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Under this program the following training and evaluation kits are recieved- Atmel AVR XMEGA-A1 Xplained Kit, EVK 1100, AVR Dragon Tool

Title: INTEL University Program

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Under this program the following training and evaluation kits are recieved- Intel Atom, DE2i-150* FPGA Development Kit (P0126) presentation, Inforce Computing: SYS940X-ECX

Title: NOKIA University Program

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Under this program we have received a no. of mobile devices(Nokia Asha 309,Nokia Asha305,Nokia X,Nokia Lumia 800,Nokia Lumia 820,Nokia N9,Nokia N900)

Title: ARM University Program

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Under this program the following training and evaluation kits are recieved -Mbed NXP LPC11U24), Freedom board(KL25Z

Title: Anand Infotech for Solutions

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Product design

Title: Trinity Microsystems(I) Pvt. Ltd for technology transfer
Institutes: IGDTUW-Delhi

Remarks: Collaboration Area: My smartphone kit

Title: IBM Research, Delhi
Title: DELL Inc

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Funded Internet of Things Laboratory and Cloud Computing and Big Data Laboratory

Title: PGIMER, Chandigar
Title: Design and innovation lab supported by MHRD

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Multidisciplinary

Title: Singapore Management University (SMU)
Title: Newcastle University
Title: My Smart Phone Kit

Remarks: Trasferred to: Trinity Microsystem

Title: Demand-Supply Prediction transferred to Ola


Bluepark: Tracking parking and un-parking events in indoor garages


Full paper
Sonia Soubam, Dipyaman Banerjee, Vinayak Naik, Dipanjan Chakraborty
ICDCN 16 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Finding a parking spot in a busy indoor parking lot is a daunting task. Retracing a parked vehicle can be equally frustrating. We present BluePark, a collaborative sensing mechanism using smartphone sensors to solve these problems in real-time, without any input from user. We propose a novel technique of combining accelerometer and WiFi data to detect and localize parking and un-parking events in indoor parking lot. We validate our approach at the basement parking of a popular shopping mall. The proposed method outperforms Google Activity Recognition API by 20% in detecting drive state in indoor parking lot. Our experiments show 100% precision and recall for parking and un-parking detection events at low accelerometer sampling rate of 15Hz, irrespective of phone’s position. It has a low detection latency of 20s with probability of 0.9 and good location accuracy of 10m.


On Optimal Hotspot Selection and Offloading


Full paper
Vandana Mittal, Sanjit Krishnan Kaul, Sumit Roy
IEEE International Conference on Communications
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Devices like smartphones come with 3G/4G and WiFi radios, which creates possibilities of heterogeneous network access. We investigate scenarios where internet access to a device is available only via the cellular network. However, not every user may connect directly to it. Users in the network may be split into hotspots and clients. Hotspots are the users that connect directly to the cellular network and may provide connectivity to the internet to other users by allowing them to connect to their WiFi interface. Clients connect to the cellular network only via hotspots. The optimization problem is to find the split of hotspots and clients, and the association between clients and hotspots, that maximizes the sum of the link rates of users. Importantly, the users must get at least the link rate they get when all are directly connected to the cellular network. In this paper, we formulate the optimization problem. We provide insights into the interplay of WiFi connectivity amongst users, their link rates to the cell tower, and the split that maximizes sum rate. We propose a novel heuristic approach to split the network. Median gains of 1.5× are observed over networks of up to 40 nodes.


Empirically derived mechanisms to detect and deal with the cause of performance drop in Wifi networks


Full paper
Dheryta Jaisinghani
PhD Forum, ACM MOBISYS : International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications,and Services
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Large-scale and dense WiFi networks are expected to provide high performance through data throughput of Gbps order, seamless mobility, and uninterrupted voice and video services. Corresponding to these requirements, we analyse 6 months worth of WiFi traffic from live and uncontrolled WiFi network deployment to establish the existence of three problems - (1) Aggressive Active Scanning, (2) Interrupted Mobility, and (3) Degraded quality of streaming voice and video services. We find that careful enhancements of several MAC layer mechanisms such as active scanning, handoffs, and frame retransmissions can solve these problems. With respect to these problems, our aim is to develop a system that can (1) detect the cause of performance drop in a large-scale and dense WiFi network and (2) provide a solution to either prevent that cause from occurring or restore the performance, if it is already degraded. We leverage controlled and uncontrolled experiments to quantify these causes, their effects, and the efficacy of proposed solutions for performance enhancements.


Poster: Mechanisms for detecting and mitigating performance drop in large scale wifi networks


Full paper
Dheryta Jaisinghani, Vinayak Naik, Sanjit Kaul
ASSET, ACM MOBISYS : International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications,and Services
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

WiFi clients and access points (APs) in large-scale and dense WiFi networks transmit millions of MAC layer frames at granularity of microseconds. Thus, resulting in performance problems due to complex MAC layer interactions that may not be useful. Literature suggests existence of three such problems-(1) Useless and Aggressive Active Scanning (AAS), (2) Interrupted Mobility, and (3) Degraded quality of streaming voice and video services. We analyse 6 months worth of WiFi traffic captured from WiFi network deployed at the academic building of IIIT-Delhi to (1) detect and quantify the effect of AAS - WiFi clients loose upto 10X of throughput, (2) detect the 7 causes of AAS, and (3) suggest 2 ways to control AAS. We propose to develop a system that operates on global view of WiFi network through live measurements. This system will incorporate the mechanisms to detect and mitigate the causes of above mentioned problems.


Robust Dictionary Learning: Application to Signal Disaggregation


Full paper
Angshul Majumdar, Rabab Ward
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

It is well known that the Euclidean norm is sensitive to outliers; yet it is widely used for minimizing it is easy. Dictionary learning is no exception – the l2-norm allows for easy update of the basis/dictionary atoms. In this work, we propose a robust dictionary learning method that is based on minimizing the robust l1-norm. The ensuing optimization is solved using the Split Bregman approach. We apply the proposed technique to signal (energy and water) disaggregation and show that it excels over existing dictionary learning techniques (based on l2-norm).


A Sparse Regression based Approach for Cuff-less Blood Pressure Measurement


Full paper
Monika Jain, Niranjan Kumar, Sujay Deb, Angshul Majumdar
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

This paper proposes a sparse regression based approach for accurate continuous Blood Pressure (BP) monitoring. ECG and Finger PPG signals serve as the input; from which 32 parameters are extracted. Not all parameters are indicative of BP; to automatically trim the redundant parameters a sparse regression based approach is proposed. To build the BP predicting model the necessary parameters and their corresponding weights are learned using data from 99 subjects. The learned model is applied on 10 test subjects. The ground truth BP is measured using a clinically proven, professional automatic digital BP monitor OMRON HBP1300., The BP prediction results show that the SBP/DBP mean absolute error and error standard deviation, with OMRON monitor as a reference, is 4.43/2.46 and 4.90/3.31 mmHg respectively, which falls under the standard allowable error mentioned by Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation for estimation of BP. We have compared our work with other BP prediction techniques (Linear Regression and Feed Forward Neural Network) and have seen that our proposed method yields considerably better results, especially for diastolic BP.


Face Video based Touchless Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Estimation


Full paper
Monika Jain, Sujay Deb, A V Subramanyam
2016 IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Montreal, Canada
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the leading cause for increasing number of premature deaths due to cardiovascular diseases. Continuous hypertension screening seems to be a promising approach in order to take appropriate steps to alleviate hypertension-related diseases. Many studies have shown that physiological signal like Photoplethysmogram (PPG) can be reliably used for predicting the Blood Pressure (BP) and Heart Rate (HR). However, the existing approaches use a transmission or reflective type wearable sensor to collect the PPG signal. These sensors are bulky and mostly require an assistance of a trained medical practitioner; which preclude these approaches from continuous BP monitoring outside the medical centers. In this paper, we propose a novel touchless approach that predicts BP and HR using the face video based PPG. Since the facial video can easily be captured using a consumer grade camera, this approach is a convenient way for continuous hypertension monitoring outside the medical centers. The approach is validated using the face video data collected in our lab, with the ground truth BP and HR measured using a clinically approved BP monitor OMRON HBP1300. Accuracy of the method is measured in terms of normalized mean square error, mean absolute error and error standard deviation; which complies with the standards mentioned by Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. Two-tailed dependent sample t-test is also conducted to verify that there is no statistically significant difference between the BP and HR predicted using the proposed approach and the BP and HR measured using OMRON.

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (11) 2015 (12) 2016 (19) 2017 (0) 2018 (0)
By Type
Conference (36) Journal (6) Poster (0) Book (0)

Mobile Infrastructure for Coastal Region Offshore Communications & Networks

Project Brochure New

Presently, the fishing community in India is facing technology challenges due to lack of efficient and low-cost communication, accident reporting systems and the fact that cellular network is not able to provide sufficient coverage beyond 15 Km from the shore. The MicroNet project’s primary objectives are to provide low cost Mobile Infrastructure for Coastal Regions of India to enable Offshore Communications and to solve the technology challenges faced by the fishermen community. This project is investigating into femtocell based building blocks and developing effective algorithms required for cooperative beamforming mobile infrastructure for coastal region offshore communications and networks for distances greater than 40km using peer-to-peer communication between various boats at sea. In the MICRONet architecture, Transmission High Site (THS) located on land will have an antenna array consisting of several antenna elements. THS transmits space-time encoded data streams to the remote femtocell radio units at sea which are situated on boats. At the receiving end, radio nodes on the clusters of boats, will form several independent groups to undertake coordinated uplink beam forming to the THS. LED indicators/alarm indicators will help to alert maritime boundary violations, disseminate the weather warnings and also help in collision avoidance – mutual collision & collision with other larger ships. The increasing network coverage contributed by this architecture would bolster chances of effective disaster relief during emergencies.


  • Prof. Nitin Vaidya, UIUC, USA
  • Prof. Sajal Das, MissouriS&T, USA
  • Prof. Prasant Mohapatra UC Davis, USA
  • Prof. G. Venkatesh, IITM Madras & Sasken Technologies, Chennai
  • Prof. Seshaiah Ponnekanti, NEC, UK
  • Dr Dilip Krishnaswamy, IBM, Bangalore


  • Prof. A Jayasumana, CSU, USA
  • Dr. Nagabhushana Sindhushayana, Qualcomm, USA
  • Embracing the World (NGO)
  • Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Kerala


  • PUBLICATIONS: 42 papers have been published in conferences/ journals. Out of which, 15 were presented in ITRA approved conferences/journals of international repute.
  • PATENTS: Submitted ONE patent on low power antenna design.


  • FOURTEEN Courses Developed/ Modified.


  • ONE Summer/ Monsoon /Winter Schools Conducted. FIVE Workshops/ Conference/ Seminars Conducted.


  • System to establish communication among off-shore fishing boats and with shore; A real time information service to guide offshore fishing and disseminate offshore information to boats; and a directional antenna design for low power communication from offshore boats, are few technologies under development which may lead to startups / ToT / commercialization.

Title: Security in Wireless Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Course code 16WN712
Aspects of Wireless Networking and Security - Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Eavesdropping, Masquerading, Denial of Service, Cryptography - Concepts - PRFPRP, Stream Block Cyphers, RC4, 3DES, AES, Hashing, Asymmetric key pairs, Certificates, Overview of various wireless technologies, protocols, systems and applications and the respective security concerns and challenges - WLAN, WMAN, WPAN, WMN, WS(A)N, MANET, VANET, Smart Home, Smart Grid, Cross-Layer attack and defense, Tunneling - SSL and IPSec, Enterprise Wireless LAN Security - 802.1X, EAP, TLS, Kerberos,PEAP, TTLS, LEAP, EAP-SIM, Physical layer security consideration, Jamming, Spread Spectrum, Proposed mitigation, Link Upper layer security consideration. MAC misbehavior, Routing and Forwarding misbehavior, Transport layer misbehavior, Proposed mitigation, Cross-Layer attacks and defenses, Trust and Reputation Management - Attacks and Defense strategies, Synchronization Localization based attacks and mitigation strategies, Privacy & Anonymity, Smart Grid Security, Introduction to Telecom systems-2G / 3G / 4G, Telecom system and infrastructure attacks, Mobile App and OS security, PAN Security, loT, NFC.

Title: Wireless local area Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Course code 16WN703
Introduction to WLAN terminology and overview of WLAN : Wireless Challenges, IEEE Standards, IEEE 802 family, 802.11 LANs, AP, BSS, IBSS, ESS, DS,SSID, BSSID, Mobility, Security, 802.11 MAC: CSMA/CA, Hidden & Exposed Node Problems, MAC Access Modes, NAV, Interframe Spacing, Fragmentation, MAC Frames - 802.11 MAC frame, Data Frames, Control Frames, Management Frames, RTS/CTS, Structure of Management Frames, Management Frame Components, Management Operations - Management Architecture, Scanning, Authentication, Pre-authentication, Association, Power Conservation, Timer Synchronization, Spectrum Management, Hardware Overview: Network Interface card, Access point hardware, chipsets, 802.11 a/b/g PHY - Physical-Layer, Architecture, The Radio Link, FHSS, DSSS, OFDM, QAM, ERP; 802.11n : MIMO, Beam Forming, Channel Bonding, Block ACK, 802.11e QoS / WMM, 802.11s Mesh network, 802.11ac, 802.11ad, Performance Analysis, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis. Cryptography – Concepts : PRF/PRP, Stream / Block Cyphers, RC4, 3DES, AES, Hashing, Asymmetric key pairs, Certificates, WLAN Security : WEP, TKIP, AES-CCMP, RADIUS, TLS, TLS over EAP, Kerberos, LEAP, PEAP, EAP-SIM, Network & Security Architecture, Network Planning & Analysis. Advanced Topics: Long Range Wi-Fi, Li-Fi, Passive Wi-Fi, 802.11ah (HaLow), 802.11af (White-Fi), 802.11ax, 802.11ay

Title: Antenna Engineering: Theory & Design
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Course code 16WN710
Introduction, Antenna Basics, Antenna Arrays: Two element arrays, Multiplication of patterns, Linear Array with n -isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing (Broadside, End fire Arrays), EFA with Increased Directivity, Scanning Arrays, N element linear array and directivity, Binomial Arrays- Uniform spacing and Non-uniform Amplitude. VHF, UHF and Microwave Antennas: Dipole array with Parasitic Elements, Folded Dipoles & their characteristics, Yagi-Uda Antenna, Reflector Antennas : Flat Sheet and Corner Reflectors, Paraboloidal Reflectors –Beam formation, Types of parabolic reflectors, F/D Ratio, Spill Over, Back Lobes, Aperture Blocking, Feed systems, Off-set Feeds, Cassegrain Feeds, Horn Antennas – Types, Optimum Horns, Design Characteristics of Pyramidal Horns; Lens Antennas – principle, types of lens antenna, non metallic dielectric lens antenna, primary feed and its uses, E –plane metal plate lens antenna, Antenna Measurements – Patterns measurement-arrangement for radiation pattern, Distance requirements, Directivity and Gain Measurements, Introduction to microstrip antennas. Wave Propagation: Introduction, classification, modes of Propagation, Ground Wave Propagation–Characteristics, Parameters, Wave Tilt, Flat and Spherical Earth Considerations. Sky Wave Propagation – Formation of Ionospheric Layers and their Characteristics, Mechanism of Reflection and Refraction, Critical Frequency, Virtual Height, MUF– Calculations, LUHF, Skip Distance, Optimum working Frequency, Ionospheric Abnormalities, Ionospheric Absorption, multi-hop propagation, Space Wave Propagation – LOS, Tropospheric Wave Propagation – Radius of Curvature of path, Effective Earth’s Radius, Effect of Earth’s Curvature, Field Strength Calculations, Duct Propagation(M-curves).

Title: Mobile Communication Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Course code 16WN624
Overview of the legacy second generation (2G) and third generation 3G networks including key developments in spectrum aspects. Review of the stake holders including Service Providers (SPs), product manufactures and regulatory bodies and interplay and context for MCN. Architecture of 4G networks from 3GPP and introduction to the physical layer and resource management. Key elements underpinning the network architecture including access stratum and non-access stratum, end to end security principles, network and UE procedures. Network design framework for call set-up/release, mobility management in idle mode and active mode (handover) and the dependency on the user experience. Introduction to network operations, management and support (BSS/OSS) including relevant use cases in diagnostics, life cycle of trouble shooting. Role of network planning and performance management and deployment of the networks for Quality of Support (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE). Network evolution towards Evolved Packet Core (EPC), Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) focus on architecture changes plus impact assessment. Overview of air interface upgrades, scalable air interface, Self Organizing Networks (SON) and Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). Wi-Fi technology evolution to upcoming concepts pertaining to LTE in WiFi and introduction to candidate proposals in 5G [5].

Title: Wireless Sensor Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Course code 16WN623
Overview of WSN: Introduction, Applications, Unique Constraints and challenges. Platforms for WSN: Sensor Node Hardware’s (Introduction): Mica2, MicaZ, TelosB, Cricket, i-Mote2, TMote, BTnode, Wasp mote, Comparisons of these based on the specifications. Sensor Node Software’s (Introduction): TinyOS, MANTIS, Contiki and RetOS, Programming Tools: C, nesC. Tiny DB. General Architecture of a WSN: Von Neumann, Harvard Architecture, Super Harvard Architectures, Sensing Unit: ADC, Sampling, Quantization, Sensor Characteristics, Transducers, Impedance Matching. Processing Unit: Microcontrollers, DSP, ASIC, FPGA, General Constraints and Pros and Cons. Communication Unit: SPI, I2C. Power Management Unit.
Networking in WSN: Hierarchical, Nonhierarchical, Clustering, Multi hop, Single hop, Multiple Sinks and Sources. Coverage and Connectivity. Self-Organization, Self-configuration. MAC Protocols- Introduction, Low Duty cycle Protocols: SMAC, Contention Based Protocols: CSMA, PAMAS, Scheduling based Protocols: Leach, SMACS, TRAMA.
Optimization in WSN: Power, Delay, QOS, Data Aggregation; Time synchronization: Types, RBS, LTS, HRTS; Routing: Proactive routing: DSDV, Optimized Link State Routing, DSR and Reactive routing: Flooding, Gossiping, Hierarchical Routing, Location based routing – Unicast, Multicast; Localization and Positioning: Overview, TOA, TDOA, AOA, RSSI, Range based Localization: Triangulation, Trilateration Iterative and collaborative Multilateration, GPS based localization; Range free localization: APS, Event Driven Localization: Light House approach, Multi Sequence Positioning; Wireless Sensor Network for Specific Application. Research Paper Discussion and Presentation.
Laboratory: includes the OSs /platforms/Simulators detailed below.
• TinyOS Libraries:
• Omnet++:
• Comparison of OS: MANTIS -
• NS2, NS3
• Qualnet
Creating hierarchical network, Implementation of Data aggregation, clustering and Time synchronization Algorithms, Indoor and outdoor testing of algorithms to study the effects on range, delay and data loss at different power levels, Integration of Sensor networks with Wireless LAN.

Links/URL: Laboratory: includes the OSs /platforms/Simulators detailed below.
• TinyOS Libraries:
• Omnet++:
• Comparison of OS: MANTIS -
• NS2, NS3
• Qualnet

Title: Distributed Systems
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Course code 16WN702
Introduction: Goals, Types: Distributed Computing Systems, Distributed Information Systems, Distributed Pervasive Systems. Architecture: Centralized, Decentralized, Hybrid, Architecture Vs Middleware, Self-Management. Processes: Threads, Virtualization, Clients, Servers, Code Migration.
Communication: Fundamentals, Remote Procedure Call, Message Oriented Communication, Stream Oriented Communication, Multicast Communication, Naming: Flat, Structured, Attribute based; Synchronization: Clock, Logical, Mutual Exclusion, Global Positioning, Election Algorithms, Consistency and Replication: Introduction, Data Centric, Client Centric models, Replica Management, Consistency Protocols; Fault Tolerance: Introduction, Process Resilience, Reliable Client Server Communication, Reliable group Communication, Distributed Commit, Recovery. Security: Secure Channels, Access Control, Security Management, Distributed Object based systems, Distributed File Systems, Distributed Web based Systems.

Title: Wireless Securitylab
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Theoretical module contents and using Network Analyzers and Qualnet simulation platform.

Title: WLAN lab
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Theoretical module contents and using Wireless routers, AP’s, Long-Range Wi-FI base stations, CPE’s and Qualnet simulation platform.

Title: Wireless Sensor Network
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Theoretical module contents and using Creating hierarchical network, Implement Data aggregation, Integrate sensor networks with Wireless LAN.

Title: Wireless local area Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total enrolment (2013-2017): 46
Lab info: WLAN lab based on the course content using wireless routers, AP’s, Wi-Fi enabled smart devices, Long range Wi-Fi base station and QualNet simulation platform.

Title: OceanNet
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Not yet registered

Title: Piscean Net Solutions
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Not yet registered

Title: Mobile Infrastructure for Coasta1 Region Offshore Communications and Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Application Number: US20170230841A1
Filing Date:10 Aug 2017

Title: An Automated Lesion Detection System for DCE-MRI images using Circular Mesh based Shape and Margin Descriptor
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Application Number: 201741007686
Filing Date: 07/04/2017

Title: Ansys HFSSpackage
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Date: Summer 2015
Participants: 35

Title: SmartAntennas
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Date: Winter 2015

Title: Delay Tolerant Networks
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Date: Winter 2015

Title: ACM Event Workshop on Machine Learning and its applications.
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2015
Participants: 32

Title: Intel Nirvana Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2018
Number of Participants: 60

Title: Wireless link characterization over Arabian sea by Dr Kalyan
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015
Participants: 30

Title: Rough Set Theory and its Applications for Research Scholars by Dr. Sabu M K
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: November 2017
Participants: 45

Title: Channelizers Demystified
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015
Participants: 50

Title: Emerging topics in Network Function Virtualization Research
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015
Participants: 50

Title: R&D topics from TCS innovation Labs
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015
Participants: 50

Title: IoT& its Challenges
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015
Participants: 50

Title: OceanNetApp usage Workshop
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2017
Participants: 20

Title: Asian Student Symposium on Emerging Technologies ASSET
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2016
Location: Singapore
Participants 30+

Title: Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS) Data Mining and Analysis
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2016
Participants: 40

Title: Asian Student Symposium on Emerging Technologies ASSET 2018
Institutes: IIITM-KER
Title: Sensors and Small Satellite Technologies for Disaster Management (SSTDM)
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year : 2016

Title: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Mobysis.
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year : 2016
Participants : 40

Title: Robotics And Automation ICRA
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2017
Participants: 40

Title: Convergence In Technology
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2017
Participants: 40

Title: Image Processing and Machine Vision (NCIPMV)
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2017
Participants: 30

Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2018

Title: International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (Coconet)
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year:2015

Title: Digital Signal Processing
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Total Participants:20
Course content info: Sampling theorem, Anti-aliasing Pre-lters,Analog and Digital Dither, Pole zero designs, State space analysis, Inverse filters and stability, FFT Algorithms, FIR Filtering and Convolution, Transfer function, Inverse filters and stability

Title: Wireless Link Characterization over Arabian Sea
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: Network Function Virtualization
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: ChannelizersPackages
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: IoT
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: IoT Workshop
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: Knowledge Graph Based Search - Invited Talk by Dr TV Geetha for research scholars
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year 2016
Participants: 40

Title: Machine Learning Techniques and Algorithm, "Big Data and IoT
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: February 2017
Participants: 40

Title: Cognitive and Language Computing
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year July 2017
Participants: 35

Title: Research: DO's and Don'ts - FDP Programme,
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: November,2017
Participants: 30

Title: Word-Sense Disambiguation (WSD) in Malayalam - at Fourteenth International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON 2017) , held on Jadavpur University, Kolkatta.
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: December,2017
Participants : 40+

Title: Research on Speech Recognition - National Workshop on Speech Recognition and Its Application.
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: February2018

Title: Cognitive computing -Refresher course on computer science and Information Technology, University of Kerala
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year February 2018

Title: Discussions were held with theIndianNavy about the prospectiveLR Wi-Fi communication system
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2014

Title: Poster sessions on MICRONETwas held during RT Labsnationallevelworkshopfunded by MHRD
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: Postersessions on MICRONET was held during HFSS designworkshop.
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: Poster sessions on MICRONETwas held duringFinal YearM.Tech Wireless Networks &Applications project reviews, conducted by Amrita University inorder to create awareness among visitorsand participants of theevents.
Institutes: AMRITA-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2015

Title: Brief presentation of MICRONet project to the Minister of Fisheries Mercy KuttyAmma, Director of Fisheries and other Govt. officials and Industrial stake holders by Dr.ElizabethSherly and team.
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: January 2017

Title: MICRONet project presentation to Dr.Gulati, Zonal Director Fishery Survey of India (FSI) and other staff members.
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: November 2017

Title: Open House with Dr.Manoj Samuel, Head of Engineering Division and his team, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT).
Institutes: IIITM-KER
Title: Open House with DrVelvizhi, Principal Scientist, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation to know about the current status and feedback of their Fisher Friend
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year: 2017

Title: Brief presentation of MICRONet given to Fishermen community at District Level Feedback meeting on INCOIS Services organized by MSSRF October at Poovar Trivandrum and Azheekal, Kollam
Institutes: IIITM-KER

Remarks: Year:2016.

Title: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services(INCOIS)

Remarks: MoU signed for data dissemination and R&D.

Title: Central Institute of Fisheries Technology(CIFT)

Remarks: IoT and Image processing based fish freshness assessment.

Title: Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute CMFRI

Remarks: Data Sharing

Title: Coastguard

Remarks: Installation of NanoStation on Coastguard boats and utilize their support center for issuing alert messages.

Title: Indian Navy

Remarks: Utilize Indian Navy's research facilities for improvement of the Micronet.

Title: Directorate of Lighthouses.

Remarks: Installation of Base stations on light houses situated along the coast.

Title: Dept. Of Fisheries, Govt. Of Kerala.

Remarks: Providing best ICT enabled solutions for better fishing and information dissemination to fishermen and other stakeholders

Title: State Disaster Management Authority

Remarks: Providing best ICT enabled solutions for better fishing and information dissemination to fishermen and other stakeholders

Title: Mata Amritanandamayi Math

Remarks: Led by Dr Milind Pimprikar

Title: M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)
Title: MICRONet Web portal
Title: Mobile APP for the stakeholders
Title: Dept. Fisheries, Govt. of Kerala
Title: Central Institute of Fisheries Technology(CIFT)
Title: Prospective member of High Level Committee team of Dept.of Fisheries, Govt.of Kerala


Design of Edge Coupled Open Loop Metamaterial Filters


Full paper
Remya George , S. Bhuvana Nair, K. Menon Sreedevi
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS).
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

Metamaterials with negative index of refraction has created great opportunities for novel applications at Radio Frequency. Metamaterial finds applications as filters, diplexers and as frequency selective surfaces for gain enhancement in antennas. In this work open loop filters with circle, triangle and pentagonal geometries are proposed which can be configured as metamaterial for various wireless applications. These metamaterials can be energised using different feeding mechanisms like edge coupling, electromagnetic coupling, inductive coupling, capacitive coupling etc. Proposed filters are energised using edge coupled feeding mechanism which has reduce complexity compared to other techniques. Edge coupling also ensures the tunability of the filters and make them applicable for low frequency, where the conventional planar filters consumes large area. The geometrical variations in the loop are found to influence the filter characteristics and this is studied in detail. Design equations are furnished for the filters based on the extensive analysis carried out using ANSYS High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) using finite element method. The current distribution and electric field of the proposed filters are also analysed in detail. Filter prototypes with optimum performance as seen in the simulations are fabricated and measured using Keysight ENA 5080A Network Analyser. Good agreement is found to exist between experimental results and the simulated results for the designed filters. A comparative study is carried out based on the frequency of operation, bandwidth and the attenuation of the three designed filters among themselves and the previous works that authors referred into.


Circular Microstrip Patch Assisted Planar Crossover for GPS Application


Full paper
V. M. Jayakrishnan, K. M Sreedevi
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS)
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

For efficient monitoring and tracking of vehicles, aircraft or ships GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite based navigation system plays an inevitable role. For long range GPS communication and tracking, high gain antennas usually array antennas are preferred. Realized using butler matrix phased array antennas are potential candidate for providing long range communication providing directional beam. Butler matrix provides equal amplitude to the antennas by means of hybrid coupler, necessary beam orientation using phase shifter and ensures signal purity when transmission lines overlap by crossover circuit. Thus crossover will mitigate the GPS tracking of signal when transmission lines overlap each other maintaining high SNR. This paper focuses on the investigations of an L band planar crossover realised using microstrip technology. The crossover characteristics like transmission and isolation are analysed in detail. For enhancing the isolation between the decoupled ports, parent crossover is further modified maintaining good transmission between coupled ports. The analysis is done using ANSYS HFSS and the optimised crossover is fabricated on FR4 substrate and measurements are taken by using Keysight ENA 5080A Vector Network Analyser. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement with each other. This proposed crossover is the possible solution for long range wireless communication and GPS Applications.


Asymmetric Coplanar Waveguide Fed Monopole Antenna with Perturbed Ground Plane


Full paper
L. Meenu, S. Aiswarya, K. M Sreedevi
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring PIERS
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

Present work proposes an Asymmetric Coplanar (ACPW) fed antenna providing wide band and omnidirectional radiation. Gain enhancement is achieved by the introducing perturbations on the shorted ground plane. The proposed antenna offers a 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidth of 741MHz at 5.2 GHz with the enhanced gain of 6.4 dBi. The parametric analysis and optimization of the antenna is done by using ANSYS HFSS. Optimized prototype is analyzed experimentally using Keysight E5080A Vector Network Analyzer. The proposed antenna will have wide range of applications in different wireless communication systems.


Substrate Integrated Waveguide based Hybrid Cavity Filter for Ku Band Applications


Full paper
Athira Gopinath, Rahul Lal P
lnternational Conference on Communication and Signal Processing
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

In this paper a hybrid cavity substrate integrated waveguide filter is proposed and demonstrated for Ku band application. Hybrid cavity which is the combination of both circular and rectangular cavity, showcases a better frequency selectivity and Quality Factor in comparison with other cavity based substrate integrated waveguide filters. Quality Factor requirements are met by the introduction of shorting posts at specified points inside the cavity. Filter operates at a frequency of 13GHz with an optimized Q factor of 377.096.The detailed analysis of the proposed structure is simulated and studied using the ANSYS HFSS software.


Compact Monopole Antenna with Metamaterial Ground Plane


Full paper
L. Meenu, S. Aiswarya, K. M Sreedevi
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall (PIERS)
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

An antenna is an integral component in a wireless communication system. The choice of the antenna geometry of these systems depends on the preferred specifications. Depending upon the variation in the geometry and feeding technique, the performance of the antenna can be modified. For any communication system design an antenna with a better transmission range, improved reflection and radiation characteristics at the designed frequencies is desired. An asymmetric coplanar strip fed antenna is designed and analyzed in this paper. This structure gives better performance compared to microstrip and coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed omni-directional antennas. The proposed antenna is compact with reduced complexity, providing appreciable gain. A monopole antenna system with a metamaterial ground plane on the same plane is proposed. This antenna operates in the 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi band. The radiating element and the metamaterial ground plane are optimized for the best performance of the antenna system. For optimum performance of the antenna, open loop resonator is also studied as the ground plane. Miniaturization is achieved with metamaterial ground plane without changing the characteristic of the monopole antenna structure. The monopole antenna with the metamaterial ground plane is found to be compact with resonance at 2.45 GHz offering a 2 : 1 VSWR bandwidth of 217 MHz. The radiation pattern of the designed antenna is omni-directional with a gain of 3.124 dBi at the resonant frequency. The antenna is designed and optimized using ANSYS HFSS 14. The optimized antennas are fabricated using FR4 substrate and are experimentally validated using Vector Network Analyzer E5080A.


Experimental Investigations on Monopole Loop Antenna with Dual Band Characteristics


Full paper
L. Meenu, S. Aiswarya, K. M Sreedevi
International conference on Wireless communication, signal processing and Networking (WispNet)
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

A coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed rectangular loop antenna with dual frequency characteristics applicable Wi-Fi bands is presented. The studies to calculate the dependency of frequencies on the antenna structure is carried out using ANSYS HFSS. From this, the antenna is optimized to have an enhanced gain of ˜ 8 dBi at 2.45 GHz and 3.83 dBi at 5.32 GHz. The radiation characteristics of the antenna are studied and the radiation pattern confirms the monopole characteristics at both the frequencies. The optimized antenna performance is confirmed by measurements using Vector Network Analyser. Since energized using coplanar waveguide the proposed antenna finds applications in Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMIC) also.


Investigations on Edge Coupled Metamaterial Filters


Full paper
Betsy George, S. Bhuvana Nair, K. M Sreedevi
international conference on Wireless communication, signal processing and Networking (WispNet)
Year: 2018
Type: Conference Paper

Artificially engineered materials, like metamaterials can be used to enhance the performance of devices. Split-ring resonators (SRRs) is the most widely used metamaterial at microwave regime. In this paper, edge coupled metamaterial filter using SRR with band stop characteristics in the frequency spectrum is proposed. Exhaustive simulations are conducted to understand the properties of the filter. The effects of the geometrical parameters on the resonance frequency are investigated. The proposed filter prototypes are tested using Vector Network Analyser and thus simulated results are validated.

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (6) 2015 (19) 2016 (17) 2017 (14) 2018 (10)
By Type
Conference (61) Journal (4) Poster (1) Book (0)

Virtual Assistant for Mobile Devices using Voice and Gesture Technologies

Project Brochure New

The current interfaces on a mobile phone are based on alpha-numeric keys and touch technologies, which expects a human being to operate over a tiny area and are extremely suboptimal & restricted for literate/ illiterate and differently-abled. Although, some Virtual Assistants (VAs) have made inroads into the mobile space, but current state-of-the-art VAs suffer from severe limitations including lack of multimodal communication, support for Indian languages and differently-abled individuals. Virtual Assistant project is trying to overcome this limitation and build a rich interface using voice and gesture based technologies for a multi-modal mobile interaction and computing. This project is developing various techniques to augment speech application with dialogue and gesture based interaction in order to improve system performance among patients (users) suffering from various ailments that may impair normal speech. The research work encompasses speech signal processing, acoustic modeling, language modeling, dialog modeling, natural language generation and speech synthesis. This system will act as the baseline for next versions of Virtual Assistant health care system. The overall system will be made to successfully work in real-time for Indian languages even on low-end Android mobile.


  • Prof. Thomas Binford, Chairman and CTO, Read-Ink Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Dr. Archan Misra, SMU, Singapore
  • Prof. Aloknath De, CTO, Samsung Engineering Pvt. Ltd.


  • Shreshtha Nursing Home
  • Vivekanand Hospital iii. Sri City Medical Center


  • Publications: 21 papers have been published in conferences/ journals, out of which, 5 were presented in ITRA approved conferences/journals of international repute.


  • TWO Courses Developed/ Modified


  • FIVE Summer/ Monsoon/ Winter Schools Conducted.
  • TWO Workshops/Conference/ Seminars conducted


  • A technology for providing a Respiratory Digital Health Services (VHealth); and, Smartphone based analysis of cough characteristics; are being developed and has the potential of ToT/ commercialization/ start-up.


Title: Speech Signal Processing
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 60
Background and need for speech processing, Speech production mechanism, Nature of speech signal, Basics of digital signal processing, Equivalent representations of signal and systems, Speech signal processing methods, Linear prediction analysis, Basics of speech recognition.

Title: Natural Language Processing 2014
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 50-80
This is the advanced course in Natural Language Processing intended for honors, dual degree, BTP, MTech and PhD students.
In this course, students get an overview of various areas in NLP and the current research trends in each of them. The topics covered include machine translation (rule based & statistical), discourse, statistical parsing, word sense disambiguation, natural language generation, coreference resolution, semantic role labeling etc.. The course also covers two of the most popular machine learning methods (Expectation- Maximization and Maximum Entropy Models) for NLP. Students would be introduced to tools such as NLTK, CoreNLP to aid them in their research.

Title: Speech Technology 2014
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 15-20
This is an advance course whose objective is to discuss and provide hands-on experience on implementation of algorithms, models used in feature extraction and in building speech systems.
1.Introduction to speech technology
2.Feature extraction from speech signal
3.Algorithms for speech recognition
4.Methods for speech synthesis
5.Approaches for speech enhancement
6.Approaches for speaker recognition

Title: Natural Language Applications 2014
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 40-60
This is the advanced course in Natural Language Processing intended for honors, dual degree, BTP, MTech and PhD students.
In this course, students get an overview of various areas in NLP and the current research trends in each of them. The topics covered include machine translation (rule based & statistical), discourse, statistical parsing, word sense disambiguation, natural language generation, coreference resolution, semantic role labeling etc.. The course also covers two of the most popular machine learning methods (Expectation-Maximization and Maximum Entropy Models) for NLP. Students would be introduced to tools such as NLTK, CoreNLP to aid them in their research.

Title: Topics in Information Retrieval
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 40-60
This course is intended to be an advanced course for graduate and senior MS students planning to pursue research in the areas of NLP and IR. The course draws heavily from the latest research papers and tutorials covering the state-of-the-art techniques and problems in these areas.
1.Deep Learning for NLP
a.RNN based Language models
b.LSTM for Language Modelling
c.Deep NNs for POS tagging, Chunking and NER
2.Deep Structured Semantic Models
a.Deep Learning for Semantic Matching
b.Learning Deep structured models for Search
c.CNNs for DSSMs
3.Multilingual IR
a.Cross Lingual IR
b.Multilingual PRF
c.Multilingual Topic Modelling
4.Learning to Rank
a.Pointwise, Pairwise and Listwise Ranking Paradigms
b.Discriminative Models (SVMs, MeMM, RankSVM, IRSVM
) c.Ranking Evaluation- Online & Offline Techniques
5.Statistical Translation Models for IR
a.IR as SMT
b.Word based Translation Models (TMs)
c.Phrase-based TMs, Syntax-based TMs

Title: Speech processing
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Course Objectives
To introduce speech production and related parameters of speech.
To show the computation and use of techniques such as short time Fourier transform, linear predictive coefficients and other coefficients in the analysis of speech.
o understand different speech modeling procedures such as Markov and their implementation issues.


Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Course Objectives
To understand the basics of Internet of Things
To get an idea of some of the application areas where Internet of Things can be applied
To understand the concepts of web and middleware for Internet of Things
To understand the concepts of Cloud of Things with emphasis on Mobile cloud computing and IOT protocols


Title: IoT lab including healthcare domain vertical partnering with Intel.AZ62
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Objectives

  • Embedded Linux platforms, IOT applications and related case studies. Interfacing various Digital/Analog Sensors (GPIO, PWM, Analog). Understanding Intel Galileo and its Interfacing techniques. Embedded protocols and setting up IoT components: As part of project case study students performed Data logging using SD library and Programming UART based GPS/GSM-GPRS Shields and related applications.
  • Building IoT SD card image, Accessing Linux terminal using Virtual Serial Interface like PUTTY/Tera term (Shell commands and utilities) and Setting up Networking (*Ethernet or *Wi-Fi). Getting started with python programming on Galileo, UPM and MRAA for Intel Galileo Gen 2 and Application building using python.
  • Project Ideation and Building IoT based Applications Building POSIX based Embedded Linux applications, 3-Tier architecture of IoT applications and related protocols: Understanding TCP/IP and Arduino Ethernet Library API and HTTP based Arduino applications.
  • Building IoT applications: ThingSpeak cloud management framework for data logging and data visualization and Dweet based IoT application building. Twitter integration to control devices using Intel Galileo Gen 2 board and GMAIL server Integration with Intel Galileo Building Prototypes using Intel Galileo. Evaluation and assessment activities, Project idea demonstration and Feedback and conclusion

Title: Natural Language Processing 2015
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 90-110
In this course, students get an overview of various areas in NLP and the current research trends in each of them. The topics covered include machine translation (rule based & statistical), discourse, statistical parsing, word sense disambiguation, natural language generation, coreference resolution, semantic role labeling etc.. The course also covers two of the most popular machine learning methods (Expectation- Maximization and Maximum Entropy Models) for NLP. Students would be introduced to tools such as NLTK, CoreNLP to aid them in their research. Popular deep learning models for NLP are also introduced during this course.

Title: Topics in IR
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 40-60
This course is intended to be an advanced course for graduate and senior MS students planning to pursue research in the areas of NLP and IR. The course draws heavily from the latest research papers and tutorials covering the state-of-the-art techniques and problems in these areas.
1.Deep Learning for NLP
2.Deep Structured Semantic Models
3.Multilingual IR
4.Learning to Rank
5.Statistical Translation Models for IR

Title: Salcit Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Registration date: 24-08-2017

Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Application Number: 201741045066 Filing
Date: December 14, 2017

Title: WISSAP 2014

Remarks: Date: 17-20 January
Participants: 150

Title: WISP 2014

Remarks: Date: 13 December
Participants: 150

Title: ISANLP 2014

Remarks: Date: July 1st - July 15th,2014
Participants: 80

Title: WISP 2015

Remarks: Date: 12 December
Participants: 150

Title: IASNLP 2015

Remarks: Date: 1-15 July 2015
Participants: 87

Title: WISP 2016

Remarks: Date: 24 December
Participants: 150

Title: IASNLP 2016

Remarks: Date: 20th June to 4th July, 2016
Participants: 80

Title: IASNLP 2017

Remarks: Date: 24 May-8 June 2017
Participants: 109

Title: Tutorial on multilingual question-answering, ICON 2014

Remarks: Date : 17th December 2014
Participants: 50

Title: Statistical Signal Processing

Title: Basic Electronics

Title: Biomedical signal processing and its applications

Remarks: Date: 13 th 16 th December 2016
Participants: 50

Title: Acoustic Signal Analysis for Health Care

Remarks: Date: 29 th - 31 st October 2015

Title: Recent Trends in Signal Processing and Its applications

Remarks: Date: 20-06-2017 to 30-06-2017
Participants: 48

Title: Training programs (i) Networking (ii)Python and IoT

Remarks: Date: (i) 29-05-2017 to 06-06-2017 (ii) 07-06-2017 to 14-06-2017
Participants: (i)72 (ii) 80

Title: XRCI Open 2016
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Year: 2016

Title: IIIT-H R&D Showcase 2015/2016/2017/2018
Institutes: IIIT-HYD

Remarks: Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Title: National workshop on ICT initiatives for Rural Development by NIRD and Media Lab Asia
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Date: Sep 1, 2017

Title: International Innovation Fair Association
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Held at Vishakhapatnam during 9-11th Sep 2017

Title: NASSCOM Product Conclave
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: During Oct 26th- 27th, 2016 at Bangalore

Title: AP & TS sections 12 th Annual Convention and Awards Function-2017
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Held on 29th December, 2017 at AITAM, Tekkali

Title: 2nd World Invention and Innovation Forum
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Date: November 23-25, 2017

Title: Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF)
Institutes: VNRVJIET-HYD

Remarks: Date: 1-4th December 2016.

Title: Wipro Technologies Bangalore

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Knowledge graph based Virtual Assistant.

Title: Azim Premji Foundation

Remarks: Collaboration Area: We received support for the Cough Analysis work from Azim Premji Foundation.

Title: Transactional Goal Oriented Chatbot for Flight booking

Remarks: Offered to: FlyDubai
Developed a Goal oriented chatbot for FlyDubai Airlines to be deployed at their premises. The bot was an extension of the technology developed during the course of the project. The engine and chat framework was re-engineered by our students as prototype for FlyDubai.

Title: Mental health tracking in Peri-natal Care

Remarks: Offered to : TalkADoc Inc.
A startup was incubated to develop a chatbot to track mental health status for perinatal care. This bot is designed to allow doctors to have a way to oversee the progress of the patients without direct contact. The chatbot is non-transactional, information gathering agent which interacts with the patient over an long duration providing automatic summaries to the doctor.

Title: Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Testing and prototype development of cough analysis module

Title: Sai Siddarth hospitals

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Data samples collection for cough analysis


Analysis of Cough Sounds for Diagnosis of Respiratory Diseases


Full paper
N. Suma Jyostna, L. V. Rajani Kumari, Y. Padma Sai, S. V. N. Narayana Rao, V. Naveen Kumar

Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper

There are several resource-poor communities in the world that lack access to respiratory diseases, due to insufficiency in medical expertise and less availability of medical diagnostic devices. Respiratory diseases like tuberculosis, pneumonia and asthma are becoming major problem throughout the world. Analysis of cough sound helps in detection of respiratory diseases because cough is one of the most common symptoms among all respiratory diseases. These diseases are differentiated on basis of frequency of cough and cough pattern. The identification of wet and dry cough is an important measurement to diagnose the respiratory diseases like tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia. Though there are existing systems in analyzing cough signal, still there is a need in developing tool which analyses cough signal and capable of detecting the disease at earlier stages as well as monitoring the recovery of patients suffering either tuberculosis or asthma. In this paper we developed a method for automatic recognition of cough from continuous speech and differentiate cough as wet or dry cough. This method uses the (DSP) Digital Signal Processing techniques to extract the sound events by using event extraction technique and classify them as cough and non cough by using K-means algorithm. The extracted coughs are classified into dry and wet by using (GMM) Gaussian Mixture Model. The software tool analysis is based on a machine learning algorithm that uses cough sound to diagnose the respiratory condition and this can be easily integrated with an expert system which provides respiratory digital health services which provide low-cost diagnostics to base populations and to connect patients with the physicians.


Early Diagnosis of Pulmonary Diseases using Wheeze Sound Analysis


Full paper
K. Navya, V. Naveen Kumar, S. V. N. Narayana Rao , Y. Padma Sai

Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper

These days most of the people especially children are attacked by pulmonary diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis throughout the world. Early identification of these diseases is necessary and regular monitoring is compulsory to reduce severity of these diseases. Respiratory sound analysis plays a major role in early diagnosis. Analysis of respiratory sounds helps in the detection of these diseases, as respiratory signal carries information of the lungs which is used to detect the adventitious lung sounds. Wheeze is one of the most common symptoms for these diseases like asthma and chronic bronchitis. This paper presents an approach for lung sound classification as normal, abnormal sounds. The abnormal sounds are of types wheeze, crackles, rhonchi etc. Our primary focus is on wheeze sounds, so abnormal sounds are classified as wheeze, nonwheeze. The proposed system consists of techniques such as feature extraction and classification algorithms. Feature extraction methods commonly used here is MFCC. The MFCC’s of different sounds is classified using K-means as normal and abnormal lung sounds. The abnormal sounds features are classified using the Gaussian mixture model algorithm as wheeze and nonwheeze. We collected real time data consisting of different lung sounds under the supervision of pulmonologist. The code is developed in MATLAB environment and performs the wheeze classification satisfactorily.




Full paper
P. ShubhaDeepti, S. V.N. Narayana Rao, V. Naveen Kumar, Y. Padma Sai
International Journal of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR-2017)
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

As per WHO recent estimations, the four major potentially fatal respiratory diseases (Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-COPD will account for about one in five deaths worldwide. Respiratory diseases are therefore likely to remain a major burden on society for decades to come. Both the prevention and treatment of lung diseases will need to be improved if their impact on longevity and quality of life of individuals, and their economic burden on society, are to be reduced worldwide. Early detection and effective diagnosis is the only rescue to lessen respiratory diseases fatality. Soft computing approaches are gaining importance in medical disease diagnosis because of their classification performance. In this paper we have developed the expert system which is based on artificial neural network that models human abilities in analyzing and diagnosing respiratory diseases like Asthma, Pneumonia, COPD and Tuberculosis. The objective of developing the system is to diagnosing the potential disease that one may suffer is done by providing relevant inputs through a consultation in which the patient has to answer the set of questions related to signs and symptoms. Index Terms: Disease diagnosing, respiratory diseases, expert system, inference technique.


A language model based approach towards large scale and lightweight language identification systems


Full paper
Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Hari Krishna Vydana, Anil Kumar Vuppala, Manish Shrivastava
IEEE ICASSP 2015, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Multilingual spoken dialogue systems have gained prominence in the recent past necessitating the requirement for a front-end Language Identification (LID) system. Most of the existing LID systems rely on modeling the language discriminative information from low-level acoustic features. Due to the variabilities of speech (speaker and emotional variabilities, etc.), large-scale LID systems developed using low-level acoustic features suffer from a degradation in the performance. In this approach, we have attempted to model the higher level language discriminative phonotactic information for developing an LID system. In this paper, the input speech signal is tokenized to phone sequences by using a language independent phone recognizer. The language discriminative phonotactic information in the obtained phone sequences are modeled using statistical and recurrent neural network based language modeling approaches. As this approach, relies on higher level phonotactical information it is more robust to variabilities of speech. Proposed approach is computationally light weight, highly scalable and it can be used in complement with the existing LID systems.


Together we stand: Siamese Networks for Similar Question Retrieval


Full paper
Arpita Das, Harish Yenala, Manoj Chinnakotla, Manish Shrivastava
54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2016)
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

Community Question Answering (cQA) services like Yahoo! Answers1 , Baidu Zhidao2 , Quora3 , StackOverflow4 etc. provide a platform for interaction with experts and help users to obtain precise and accurate answers to their questions. The time lag between the user posting a question and receiving its answer could be reduced by retrieving similar historic questions from the cQA archives. The main challenge in this task is the “lexicosyntactic” gap between the current and the previous questions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called “Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for cQA (SCQA)” to find the semantic similarity between the current and the archived questions. SCQA consist of twin convolutional neural networks with shared parameters and a contrastive loss function joining them. SCQA learns the similarity metric for question-question pairs by leveraging the question-answer pairs available in cQA forum archives. The model projects semantically similar question pairs nearer to each other and dissimilar question pairs farther away from each other in the semantic space. Experiments on large scale reallife “Yahoo! Answers” dataset reveals that SCQA outperforms current state-of-theart approaches based on translation models, topic models and deep neural network based models which use non-shared parameters.


Mirror on the Wall: Finding Similar Questions with Deep Structured Topic Modeling


Full paper
Arpita Das, Manish Shrivastava, Manoj Chinnakotla
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD- 2016)
Year: 2016
Type: Book

. Internet users today prefer getting precise answers to their questions rather than sifting through a bunch of relevant documents provided by search engines. This has led to the huge popularity of Community Question Answering (cQA) services like Yahoo! Answers, Baidu Zhidao, Quora, StackOverflow etc., where forum users respond to questions with precise answers. Over time, such cQA archives become rich repositories of knowledge encoded in the form of questions and user generated answers. In cQA archives, retrieval of similar questions, which have already been answered in some form, is important for improving the effectiveness of such forums. The main challenge while retrieving similar questions is the “lexico-syntactic” gap between the user query and the questions already present in the forum. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called “Deep Structured Topic Model (DSTM)” to bridge the lexico-syntactic gap between the question posed by the user and forum questions. DSTM employs a two-step process consisting of initially retrieving similar questions that lie in the vicinity of the query and latent topic vector space and then re-ranking them using a deep layered semantic model. Experiments on large scale real-life cQA dataset show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art translation and topic based baseline approaches.


Vaidya: A spoken Dialog System for Health Domain


Full paper
Prathyusha Danda, Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Manish Shrivastava
International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2016)
Year: 2016
Type: Conference Paper

In this paper, we introduce Vaidya, a spoken dialog system which is developed as part of the ITRA1 project. The system is capable of providing an approximate diagnosis by accepting symptoms as freeform speech in real-time on both laptop and hand-held devices. The system focuses on challenges in speech recognition specific to Indian languages and capturing the intent of the user. Another challenge is to create models which are memory and CPU efficient for hand-held devices. We describe our progress, experiences and approaches in building the system that can handle English as the input speech. The system is evaluated using subjective statistical measure (Fleiss kappa) to assess the usability of the system.

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (6) 2015 (5) 2016 (4) 2017 (3) 2018 (0)
By Type
Conference (13) Journal (3) Poster (0) Book (2)

A Framework for Healthcare Services using Mobile and Sensor-Cloud Technologies

Project Brochure New

The economically weaker and marginalized sections of people, particularly those living in remote villages of India have very limited and often no access to proper healthcare services. Due to tremendous shortage of trained manpower and huge cost for setting up state-of-the-art facilities, it is often not possible to deliver proper healthcare services in the rural and remote areas. Lack of accurate and timely information further adds to the problem. The advancements of the internet, wireless mobile computing, sensor networking and cloud computing technologies have led to cutting-edge research in a wide variety of applications that can significantly improve our daily lives, including healthcare systems. Remote Health project is about creating a service provision framework and deploying suitable healthcare services through integration of stateof-the-art technologies like smartmobile devices, sensor networking and cloud computing. Remote Health research work is distributed around three central themes: (1) developing sensor-cloud infrastructure for providing remote healthcare services, (2) delivering efficient solutions for pervasive healthcare services over wireless networks while ensuring the quality of service (QoS) requirements, and (3) developing knowledge extraction techniques for mobile healthcare applications. Major technical contribution of the project will be a healthcare service framework in a sensor-cloud architecture having secure and seamless communication. Low-cost, portable device for bridging this gap towards integration of sensor data from multiple patient sensors will be developed. Finally, knowledge extraction techniques and application of this knowledge for efficient diagnosis, prognosis and delivery of healthcare services will be another important contribution of the project.


  • Prof. Sukumar Ghosh, The University of Iowa, USA
  • Prof. Sajal Das, Missouri Univ. of S&T, USA
  • Prof. Nabanita Das, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata


  • Dr. Satadal Saha, JSV Innovation Pvt. Ltd.
  • Dr. Arijit Mukherjee, TCS Innovation Lab
  • Foundation for Innovations in Health (NGO


  • PUBLICATIONS: 94 papers have been published in conferences/ journals. Out of which, 16 were presented in ITRA approved conferences/journals of international repute.


  • TWELVE Courses Developed/Modified.


  • SEVEN Summer/ Monsoon/ Winter Schools Conducted.
  • THIRTY Workshops/ Conference/ Seminars Conducted.


  • Communication, analysis and interaction system for telemedicine kiosks operated by unskilled personnel; and
  • A device for monitoring Chronic Obtrusive Pulmonary Disease Suffers; are being developed and has the potential to lead to a startup / ToT / commercialization.


Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Enrollment :30
Course Modules:
1. Internet Technologies
2. Distributed Computing
3. Wireless Ad-hoc Network
4. Wireless Sensor Network
5. Information Security


Title: Big Data in Healthcare
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Enrollment: 15
Course Modules:
1. Introduction to Big Data
2. Electronic Health Data Modeling 3. Acquisition of Health Data (Body sensor networks, Crowdsourcing etc.)
4. Health Data Analytics
5. Architecture and Computational Models for Big Data Processing
6. Big Data Storage
7. Security and Privacy for health data

Title: Wireless Sensor Network
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: An elective module at the M.Tech level
Enrollment :12


Title: Mobile Computing
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: An elective module at the B.Tech level
Enrollment - 10


Title: A training material (in English and in Bengali)
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Enrollment: 30
Prepared for health assistants engaged in kiosks – prepared by Foundation for Innovations in Health with support from Jadavpur University
1. Communication Skill
2. Healthcare Organisation
3. Nutrition
4. Medico-legal & Ethical.
5. Waste Management
6. Disaster Management
7. Anatomy & Physiology
8. Musculo-skeletal
9. Gas-intestinal System
10. Cardio-vascular System
11. Respiratory System
12. Genito-urinary System
13. Gynae & Obst.
14. Integumentary System
15. Nervous System
16. Endocrine System
17. Neonatal & Child care
18. Geriatric care
19. Infection control
20. Drug Administration
21. Life-saving procedure

Title: Eight e-modules for training of Health Assistants

Remarks: Enrollment - 50

Links/URL: ttps://

Title: Audio-visual E-module on digestive system for training of Health assistants

Remarks: Enrollment - 50


Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Enrollment - 200
For B Tech students
Course Structure:
1. Introduction(The Internet of Things, An Overview, Design Principles for Connected Devices, Internet Principles)
2. Prototyping(Thinking About Prototyping, Prototyping Embedded Devices, Prototyping the Physical Design, Prototyping Online Component)
3. Techniques for writing embedded code
4. Prototype to Reality
5. Moving to manufacture
6. Ethics

Title: Big Data Analytics
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Enrollment - 300
For B Tech students
Course Modules
1. Introduction to Big Data
2. Data Analytics
3. Big Data Technology foundation & Mining data streams
4. Frequent itemisers and clustering
5. Frameworks and visualisation

Title: Mobile Computing
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Enrollment - 700
Course Modules
1. Introduction
2. Mobile Interent Protocol and Transport layer
3. Mobile Telecommunication system
4. Mobile Platforms and applications

Title: Cloud Computing
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Enrollment - 300
Course Modules
1. Introduction
2. Cloud Models
3. Cloud Services
4. Cloud Application

Title: Sensor Design laboratory
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Equipment procured using ITRA fund:
i) pH-meter
ii) Refrigerator
iii) Keysight U3606B Multimeter/DC Power Supply
iv) Computer (Desktop)

Chemicals and wafers procured using ITRA fund:
i) Silicon Wafer
ii) Glucose Oxidase
iii) Sodium Acetate buffer
iv) Tween 20

Title: Cloud Computing lab
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Equipment procured using ITRA fund:
"1 Rack Server (Lenovo ThinkStation C30): Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2698 v3 (40M Cache, 2.30 Ghz), Memory: 256GB DDR4 2133 Mhz ECC RAM using 32 GB memory modules and 24 or higher number of slots, 3 x 1.2 TB 10K RPM SAS Drives in RAID 5; Redhat Linux Server for Physical and 4 Virtual nodes (with installation of Redhat with virtualization and creation of 4 virtual servers on the rack server).
• 30 Computing Nodes: Intel i5 processor, 4GB/8GB DDR3 RAM, 256 GB/5512 GB HDD, Linux in network with the Rack Server

Title: Curriculum of the M.Tech program
Institutes: CU-KOL
Title: Sensor Networks laboratory
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: A) ReMeDi Platform from Neurosynaptic Communications
B) E-Health Sensor kit from Cooking Hacks
eHealth Shield Version1.0
eHealth Shield Version 2.0
Shield Bluetooth, Wifly, Quadband
C) MySignals SW Complete Kit (eHealth Medical Development Platform) from Cooking Hacks
D) The above kits include the following sensors:
i) Snore Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
ii) Body Position Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
iii) ECG Electrocardiogram Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
iv) EMG Electromyography Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
v) GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
vi) Airflow Breathing Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
vii) Body Temperature Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
viii) Spirometer Air Capacity Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
ix) MySignals SW (eHealth Medical Development Platform)

Title: Cloud Computing laboratory
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Workstations procured:
i) Dell Precision T1700 - CPU: Intel Xeon CPU E3-1226 v3 @ 3.30GHz quad core Memory: 32 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA Quadro K620

Title: Medicloud
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Registration date: Not yet registered

Title: S-Mask

Remarks: Jointly by FGIET and University of Calcutta
Registration date: Not yet registered

Title: SMART MASK (S-MASK) FOR COPD SUFFERERS from FGIET jointly with Calcutta University and supported by ITRA & MeiTy

Remarks: Application Number: 201711032446
Filing Date: September 13, 2017

Title: Handling Big Data in Sensor-Cloud Environment

Remarks: Jointly organized by Jadavpur University and University of Calcutta
Participants: 30
Date: 24th November, 2014 to 6th December 2014

Title: Internet of Things and Data Science

Remarks: Jointly organized by Jadavpur University and University of Calcutta
Participants: 35
Date: 29th August 2016 to 9th September 2016

Title: IOT and Data Science

Remarks: jointly organized by Jadavpur University and University of Calcutta
Participants: 25 (approx.)
Date: 27th June to 7th July 2017

Title: Short courses organized for school children in Barhra, Birbhum’

Remarks: Participants: 200
Date: October 2014

Title: A course on "Foundations of Computer Science" for UG and PG students
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: At Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Participants: 50 (approx..)
Date: June 2017

Title: (Three) tutorials in International conference AIMoC 2014
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 63
Date: 27th February 2014

Title: (Three) tutorials in AIMoC 2015
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 70
Date: 12th February 2015

Title: (Three) tutorials in AIMoC 2016
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 50 (approx.)
Date: 10th February 2016

Title: 1st IEEE International conference on Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC)
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Date: Feb. 27 2014-March 1 2014


Title: 1st International Doctoral Symposium on Advanced Computing and Security Systems
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Year: 2014

Title: 2nd IEEE International conference on Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC)
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Date: Feb. 12-14 2015


Title: International conference on computational intelligence and networks
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Participants: 200
Date: January 12-13, 2015

Title: 2nd International Doctoral Symposium on Advanced Computing and Security Systems
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 39
Year: 2015

Title: 3rd International conference on Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC)
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Date: Feb. 10 - Feb. 12, 2016


Title: 3rd International Doctoral Symposium on Advanced Computing and Security Systems
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 48
Year: 2016

Title: Internet of Things (Already included in the row titled “New Courses/Modules developed”
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: However, no distance education course has yet been started


Title: Eight e-modules have been developed

Remarks: The modules explain how to handle medical instruments, measurements and evaluation using animation


Title: One half-day Workshop on "ICT-based Healthcare Delivery”
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Collocated with AIMoC 2015
Participants: 80
Date: 13th February 2015

Title: A half-day workshop on "Remote Health" collocated with ICDCN 2015 organized by the entire team
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 40 (approx.)
Date: January 2015

Title: One day workshop and interactions with health assistants
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: The team and 11 health assistants
Date: July 2016

Title: Mentor workshop organised by the team with overseas and Indian mentors and industry expert
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 18 PhD students and 9 faculty members associated with the project, Prof. Sajal Das of Missouri University of Science and Technology, Dr. Arijit Mukherjee of TCS Innovation Lab
Date: 25th November 2015 to 1st December 2015

Title: Mentor workshop organised by the team with overseas and Indian mentors and industry expert
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 18 PhD students and 9 faculty members associated with the project, Prof. Sukumar Ghosh from University of Iowa
Date: 5th January 2016

Title: Mentor workshop organised by the team with overseas and Indian mentors and industry expert
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Additionally, several meetings organized with Indian mentors, Prof. Nabanita Das and Dr. Satish Rath.

Title: Training program for Kiosk personnel
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Participants: 27

Title: Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Participants: 110
Date: July 31, 2015

Title: IoT and the Age of Smart Devices
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Participants: 50
Date: September 10, 2015

Title: Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Participants: 60 (approx.)
Date: 2015

Title: IoT and the Age of Smart Devices
Institutes: KIIT-BHUB

Remarks: Participants: 60 (approx.)
Date: 2015

Title: Data Warehouse and Data Mining

Remarks: Participants 60
Date 4th July, 2015 Ranibandh

Title: Application of mobile application in remote health

Remarks: Participants 40
Date 18 th Nov,2015 Sundarban

Title: Application of internet in remote health

Remarks: Participants 50
Date 28 th June, 2016 Suri ,Birbhum

Title: Data analysis in Remote Health care

Remarks: Participants 50
Date 19th December, 2016 Purulia

Title: TCS Innovation Lab, Kolkata with the entire team

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Developing a Sensor-cloud architecture

Title: RABT Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Animation Section of E-Module system

Title: Foundation for Innovations in Health, Kolkata

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Three health kiosks have been set up and are operating at three villages of West Bengal, namely Barhra, Birbhum district, Suri, Birbhum district and Bali, South 24 Pgs. District
Barhra and Bali kiosks are operated by Jadavpur University and Suri kiosk is operated by University of Calcutta.

Title: Foundation for Innovations in Health, Kolkata
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Collaboration Area:"Kiorh" application running in the kiosk developed by the students of Jadavpur University


Title: Foundation for Innovations in Health, Kolkata

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Development of E-modules for training the health assistants by IIEST, Shibpur

Title: Foundation for Innovations in Health, Kolkata

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Development of audio-visual module on digestive system for training the health assistants by IIEST, Shibpur

Title: Foundation for Innovations in Health, Kolkata
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Training materials for health assistants by Jadavpur University

Title: Forum of Scientists, Engineers &; Technologists , FOSET

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Awareness of rural healthcare service using e-technology

Title: India-Italy Joint collaborative project
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Securing Healthcare Data from Malware Attacks

Title: AGH University of Science & Technology, Krakow
Institutes: CU-KOL

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Visiting Professors in the, Poland.

Title: Sustainable green Economies through Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge exchange (gLINK)
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Project sanction reference no and date: 2014-0861/001-001 dated 12/08/2014;
Funding Agency: Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency under European Commission
Project value: EUR 3,036,625
Duration: 2014 - 2018 (4 years)
Number of participating countries: 17
Role: Coordinator, Jadavpur University, India

Title: South-east-west Mobility for Advanced Research, Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge (smartLINK)
Institutes: JU-KOL

Remarks: Project sanction reference no and date: 2014-0858/001-001 dated 20/08/2014;
Funding Agency: Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency under European Commission
Project value: EUR 3,049,600
Duration: 2014 - 2018 (4 years)
Number of participating countries: 17
Role: Coordinator, Jadavpur University, India

Title: S-MASK
Title: "Kiorh" application for kiosk-based healthcare delivery
Title: "Kiorh" application for kiosk-based healthcare delivery

Remarks: Provided to: Foundation for Innovations in Health, Kolkata

Title: Committee Members of several government and non-government organization

Remarks: Professors from Jadavpur University and University of Calcutta are committee members of several government organizations, such as UGC, NBA, AICTE, and non-government organizations (including international), such as IEEE and ACM, and are entrusted to provide consultations and services.

Title: Members of Governing bodies, Board of Studies and other important committees

Remarks: Professors from Jadavpur University, University of Calcutta and IIEST Shibpur are members of Governing bodies, Board of Studies and other important committees of several government and non-government universities and colleges.


A lightweight Clone-Node Detection Algorithm for Efficiently Handling SSDF Attacks and Facilitating Secure Spectrum Allocation in CWSNs


Full paper
Pinaki Sankar Chatterjee, Monideepa Roy
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
Year: 2018
Type: Journal Paper

Cognitive wireless sensor networks (CWSNs) provide better bandwidth utilization as compared to normal wireless sensor networks. CWSNs use a technique called opportunistic spectrum access for data transfer. It also helps the network to eliminate collisions and delays in data delivery. While doing so, however, CWSNs are subject to several security threats. The attack on network availability is known as Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification (SSDF) attack comes under the DoS attack. In this attack, a malicious node sends a modified spectrum sensing report so that the collaborative spectrum sensing decision become wrong and a good cognitive sensor node receives a wrong decision regarding the vacant spectrum band of other’s network. In the presence of the node cloning attack, the solution of the SSDF attack becomes even more difficult. In node cloning attack the malicious node creates many clones of the compromised node in the network. In order to confuse the collaborative spectrum sensing system, the clone nodes can send false spectrum sensing reports in a large number. The Maximum-Match Filtering (MMF) algorithm is used for making a secure spectrum sensing decision and spectrum allocation in CWSNs. In this paper we have proposed the Cloned Node Detection (CND) algorithm to detect cloned nodes. This paper also explains how the CND algorithm assists the MMF algorithm to make better spectrum sensing decisions by avoiding the node cloning attack. Our CND and MMF algorithms have O(n) and O(c 2n) worst case time complexities respectively. Our algorithms also have a very low false positive rate in the network. The MMF algorithm can produce good results with relatively small number of inputs, which reduces the traffic in the virtual control channel


A Requirements Analysis Framework for Development of Service Oriented Systems


Full paper
Shreya Banerjee, Anirban Sarkar
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

In Service Oriented Systems (SOS), implementation of business processes is accomplished through services in distributed, loosely coupled manner based on business process requirements of the users. Consequently, importance of business process requirements analysis for development of SOS is strongly highlighted in both academia and industry. Usually, traditional requirement engineering is competent enough to specify and analysis business requirements for development of software systems efficiently. However, Service Oriented Requirement Engineering (SORE) emerging for SOS development is differ from traditional requirement engineering due to complex nature of services. Yet, a serious gap is still exist between early and detailed specification of business process requirements in SORE and further mapping towards design of SOS from set of business processes. To address this issue, in this paper, a requirements analysis framework is proposed for development of SOS systems. The contribution of the proposed work is formal representation of business process requirements for SOS based on business scenario and Cause-Effect-Dependency (CED) graph in dimensions of six aspects of services - What, Why, How, Who, When and Where (5W1H). Both early and detailed level requirements analysis in the context of SORE is facilitated by the proposed approach. Beside, traceability of proposed approach towards design of business processes for development of SOS is also exhibited in this paper. Moreover, the practical utility of the proposed approach is demonstrated using a suitable case study.


Modelling of business processes for software as a service


Full paper
Amit Kr Mandal, Anirban Sarkar
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

The traditional approach to business process modelling frequently results in large models that are difficult to change and maintain. In cloud-based environment, business dynamics are mandating that business processes normally be increasingly responsive to changes. This demands business process should be highly modular, scalable and flexible for cloud-based applications. Further, in cloud-based business environments, besides describing new capabilities, process models should also define how those capabilities can be integrated with the existing systems. In this paper, a hierarchical graph-based specification called business component graph for SaaS (BCGS) has been proposed to address those issues. The proposed BCGS, formally, realises the business components for software as a service (SaaS)-based applications. BCGS represents the complex business logic design as a set of business components and their inter-relationships. Here, business component is defined as methodical integration of business processes and business rules. This proposed integration approach facilitates high scalability and reusability of constituent elements of business components and ensures the consistency between processes and business rules. Moreover, this paper also includes the service orientation of the proposed concepts in SaaS framework. A detailed case study of BCGS also has been illustrated to show the expressiveness of the proposed concepts.


Ontology Driven Conceptualization of Context-Dependent Data Streams and Streaming Databases


Full paper
Shreya Banerjee, Anirban Sarkar
IFIP International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management 2017
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Heterogeneous stream formats, related contexts, vocabularies and schema structures are key difficulties to facilitate sharing and extracting knowledge from stream databases. To resolve these heterogeneities, the key challenge is how to provide common semantic representation for context-dependent data stream formats along with streaming databases. To address such issues, this paper proposes an ontology driven formal semantics of context-dependent data streams together with a universal conceptualization of streaming databases. The novelty of this work is to handle heterogeneity, large volume and availability of streaming data, such as web content, commercial broadcasting data etc. It also facilitates to recognize evolving information from semantic representation of data streams at conceptual modelling level. Besides, the proposed conceptual model is flexible to represent finite partition of stream and thus help in data stream storing and further querying. The conceptualization is implemented using an ontology editorial tool Protégé for the initial validation of proposed set of formal semantics. Several crucial properties of the proposed conceptualization are specified in order to exhibit the benefits of the proposed work. The expressiveness of proposed model is illustrated using a suitable case study.


Ontology Driven Meta-Modelling of Service Oriented Architecture


Full paper
Shreya Banerjee, Shruti Bajpai, Anirban Sarkar, Takaaki Goto*, Narayan C Debnath
International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology ICCMIT 17
Year: 2017
Type: Conference Paper

Effective modelling has helped in explain, formalize and understand Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that is a complex architecture style inherently. Yet, a serious gap is still exist in modelling inter dependency between structural and behavioural characteristics of SOA. Beside, lack of precise semantics and formalization in modelling of SOA has made serious challenges in checking consistency over SOA models. In order to address these challenges, in this paper, an ontology driven meta-model has been proposed for SOA. The proposed metamodel is conformed towards an ontology driven meta-meta model called, Generalized Ontology Modelling (GOM). It can be further restricted towards distinct models of SOA based applications. The proposed meta-model is implemented using ontology editorial tool Protégé and illustrated using suitable case study.


Ontology Driven Query Language for NoSQL Databases


Full paper
Shreya Banerjee, Takaaki Goto, Narayan C Debnath, Anirban Sarkar
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Most NoSQL databases have been devised independently from each other with specific application requirements. This has resulted in developing separate own data model and query language for each NoSQL database. The lack of standards in data models and query languages make applications and data less portable using these databases. Further, absence of formal semantics in query languages inhibits a precise understanding of query over NoSQL databases. To handle these issues, in this paper, an ontology driven query language for NoSQL databases is proposed. The proposed query language provides an efficient and common abstraction over the operational aspects on various kinds of NoSQL databases. The language includes formal common syntax and semantics of distinct query operators of NoSQL databases and those are represented in Description Logic. Further, usefulness of proposed query operators are proved using a suitable case study.


TelePatch: a middle layer for screening device fragmentation


Full paper
Rakesh Kumar Mishra, Sankhayan Choudhury, Nabendu Chaki
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer
Year: 2017
Type: Journal Paper

Solutions in the domain of mobile computing face a typical problem of fragmentation due to permissible customization to android framework. Fragmentation is a problem at the device side where the expected behavior of an application is not exhibited identically over all other devices. Presently, cross-layer design is becoming essential aspect of the app development, targeted to deliver an energy-efficient and productive solution. Fragmentation is posing an enormous challenge for development community, and solutions are designed per case basis. There are solutions developed in the domain of graphics and Web access, but as far as the fragmentation with core framework is considered, the solution is still missing. In this paper, we are proposing an intermediate background app residing between the application and the core framework. The proposed app TelePatch generates a map between the intended calls with actually supported calls. The map so obtained can be used by the interested application to obtain the services from the core framework. In our case, we have deployed TelePatch with NeSen, used for capturing the network-state parameters using telephony API of the Android.

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (17) 2015 (19) 2016 (35) 2017 (23) 2018 (1)
By Type
Conference (72) Journal (18) Poster (0) Book (5)

Post-Disaster Situation Analysis and Resource Management Using Delay-Tolerant Peer-to-Peer Wireless Networks

Project Brochure New

During post disaster recovery period communication services are either not available or partially available. In times of limited communication services like these, innovative wireless networking applications can be helpful for systematizing chaotic situations. Disarm project aims in providing service and network level solutions for tackling various challenges related to the Post-Disaster Situation. The project is about developing a 4-tier, low cost, fast deployable and disaster-tolerant wireless communication infrastructure. A robust framework will be investigated and developed that will lead to a global need assessment from the piecewise localized views of the rescue teams and victims. Disarm’s major innovation lies in the construction of a coherent picture for overall situation analysis from different, partial, inflated, multi-modal information and development of distributed methods for post-disaster service management in presence of uncertainty that may range from unreliable (wireless) network links to diverse background of the victims as well as volunteers. This will also provide a coordination system to guide resource distribution among disaster victims. Experience gained from this project will enhance the preparedness of relief agencies and the first responder which will improve the use of smart devices for better coordination of relief efforts.


  • Dr. Sajal K. Das, Missouri S&T, USA
  • Dr. Sukumar Ghosh, University of Iowa, USA
  • Dr. Subir Biswas, Michigan State University, USA
  • Dr. Arjun Katoch, United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination & NDMA


  • Dr. Romit Roy Choudhary, University of Illinois, USA
  • Dr. Pradipta De, SUNY, Korea.
  • Industry: Flipkart, Google and Microsoft
  • NGO: SPADE and Indian Red Cross Society


  • PUBLICATIONS: 57 papers have been published in conferences/ journals. Out of which, 37 papers were in ITRA approved conferences/journals of international repute.


  • FOURTEEN Courses Developed/Modified.


  • TWENTY THREE Workshops/ Conference/Seminars Conducted.


  • A technology to establish ad hoc communication networks at short notice in disaster-struck areas is under advance stage of development which may lead to a ToT/ commercialization/ startup.


Title: Smartphone computing and applications
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 22


Title: Ubiquitous computing
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 20


Title: Performance Modeling of Computer Networks
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 42


Title: Internet architecture and protocols
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 66


Title: Creating and Managing ICT-Based Innovative Startup with a focus on Social Entrepreneur Development
Institutes: IIM-CAL

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 100

Title: Complex Networks
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 15


Title: Mobile Computing
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 10


Title: Internet of Things
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 9


Title: Systems and Mobile Research Lab
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Title: ITRA Lab
Institutes: KGEC-KALYANI

Title: Complex Networks Research Lab
Institutes: KGEC-KALYANI

Title: Mobile Computing and Networking Research Lab
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Title: Peer to Peer Networks
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 10

Title: Mobile Computing Lab

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 25

Title: Wireless Communication and Networks

Remarks: Avg. enrolment per offering: 40

Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Registration date: 24/07/2017

Title: School organized along with Machine Learning and Complex Network Workshop

Remarks: Date: March 2015
Participants: 100

Title: Summer Internship

Remarks: Date: 15th May 2015 to 30th June 2015
Participants: 22

Title: Winter Internship

Remarks: Date: 2013-2014
Participants: 6

Title: Summer Internship

Remarks: Date: 2014
Participants: 13

Title: Winter Internship

Remarks: Date: 2014-2015
Participants: 14

Title: Summer Internship

Remarks: Date: 2017
Participants: 9

Title: Summer Internship

Remarks: Date: 2018
Participants: 2

Title: Winter Internship

Remarks: Date: 2017-2018
Participants: 1

Title: Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Management

Remarks: Date: September, 2016
Participants: 50

Title: Workshop on Advanced Android Programming
Institutes: IIM-CAL

Remarks: Date: June, 2017
Participants: 20
Jointly organized by IIMC and HIT Kolkata

Title: Changing Communication Paradigm using Mobile Devices in Next Generation Network

Remarks: Date: Dec-Jan 2015
Participants: 30
Organized by IIEST Shibhpur and HIT Kolkata


Title: Quality Enhancement of Engineering Education
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Remarks: Date: September 2017
Participants: 50

Title: Recent Trends in Opportunistic and Social Networks and its Applications

Remarks: Date: 2015
Participants: 80
Organized jointly by NIT Durgapur and KGEC Kalyani


Title: Machine Learning and Complex Network Workshop

Remarks: Short term course
Date: 2015

Title: Joint Short-term Course along with Government/Non-governmental organizations
Title: One 1-week short term course

Remarks: Date: June-July, 2015

Title: Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks

Remarks: Date: June 2015
Participants: 50

Title: Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks

Remarks: Date: September 2016
Participants: 50

Title: First Workshop on Exploitation of Social Media for Emergency Relief and Preparedness (SMERP 2017)

Remarks: Date: April, 2017
Participants: 30

Title: Utilising Online Social Media for Disaster Management

Remarks: Date: January, 2016

Title: Community Participation in Disaster Management: Addressing the Practical Challenges Faced While Offering Services in Disaster Scenario at Kalyani Govt. Engineering College
Institutes: HIT-KOL

Remarks: Date: November, 2016
Participants: 50

Title: Keyword Queries for Product Search

Remarks: Date: December, 2017

Title: A one-day lecture session
Institutes: KGEC-KALYANI

Remarks: Date:17/11/2016
Participants: 30

Title: 3 day AEC talk in collaboration with NIT DGP, KGEC and IIT KGP

Remarks: Date: 21/12/2016 to 23/12/2016
Participants: 20

Title: One 1-day lecture series

Remarks: Date: April 2015

Title: Wireless Sensor Network in the context of Big Data Handling

Remarks: Date: November, 2014

Title: Application of smart-phone based DTN for providing Disaster Management Services in Short Term Course on Communication Paradigm using Mobile Devices in Next Generation Network organized at IIEST Shibpur
Institutes: HIT-KOL

Remarks: Date: June 2015
Participants: 30

Title: DTN in Disaster Management in a short-term course on Recent Trends in Opportunistic and Social Networks and its applications organized by Kalyani Govt. Engineering College
Institutes: HIT-KOL

Remarks: Date: July 2015
Participants: 50

Title: Post Disaster Situation Analysis using Delay Tolerant Network in the context of developing countries

Remarks: Date: May, 2016

Title: Wireless Sensor Networks: Basics,Technology and Applications

Remarks: Date: August, September, 2016

Title: Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

Remarks: Date: March,2017

Title: Video Lecture series on Short term course on Recent Trends in Opportunistic and Social Networks and its applications
Institutes: KGEC-KALYANI

Remarks: Participants: 70


Title: Lecture sessions of the Short term course on " Changing Communication Paradigm using Mobile Devices in Next Generation Network

Remarks: Participants: 30
Jointly organized by IIEST Shibhpur and HIT Kolkata


Title: NPTEL MOOC Course on Blockchain
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Title: NPTEL MOOC Computer Networks and Internet Protocol
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Title: NetSciCom 2016 at INFOCOM 2016

Remarks: Date: 2016
Participants: 35

Title: Workshop on Feasibility in using Amateur Radio in Post Disaster Communication

Remarks: Date: July 10, 2016
Participants: 20

Title: One-day workshop with SPADE on "Proposed Post Disaster Management System Prototype Validation Workshop”

Remarks: Date: June 18, 2016
Participants: 20

Title: IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems for Coordinated Disaster Management, CORDIM 2016

Remarks: Date: 2nd-3rd January 2016
Participants: 100

Title: on Pear to Pear file synchronization and Intelligent Transport System" organized Jointly with IIT Kharagpur and KGEC Kalyani
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Date: 28th April to 1st May 2016
Participants: 20

Title: Invited Talk by Prof. Abhijit Kundu, Adjunct Professor, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra on “post-disaster rescue/relief situation in coastal regions of West Bengal”
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR

Remarks: Date: December 17-18, 2015
Participants: 15

Title: The importance of nodes in dynamic networks. by Clemence Magnien Senior Researcher, CNRS at LiP6

Remarks: December 9, 2014

Title: Towards Catching Click-Spam on Facebook Ads by Saikat Guha Microsoft Research, India

Remarks: Date: Feb 10, 2015

Title: Systemic Intelligence Amod Malviya CTO Flipkart

Remarks: January 18, 2015

Title: Multiplex networks: a Generative Model and Algorithmic Complexity by Ravi Sundaram Professor College of Computer and Information Science Northeastern University

Remarks: Date: July 03, 2015

Title: Research Promotion Workshop

Remarks: Date: May 2015

Title: Machine Learning and Complex Networks Workshop

Remarks: Date: February 2015
Participants: 100

Title: MLCN International Workshop
Title: DOOCN International Workshop

Remarks: Date: June 2017
Participants: 100

Title: TEQIP-II sponsored Workshop: Introduction to Opportunistic Mobile Networks and Its Applications

Remarks: Date: 2014
Participants: 45

Title: Joint Workshop with KGEC: Recent Trends in Opportunistic and Social Networks and its Applications

Remarks: Date: 2015
Participants: 70

Title: International Conference on the Networked Digital Earth

Remarks: Date: March 2018
Participants: 150

Title: Training to different Self Help Groups of Chandanpiri Village, WB for using Interactive SMS

Remarks: Year: 2016

Title: IBM Day
Institutes: IIT-KGP

Remarks: Year: October 2015

Title: Training to 50 Self Help Group members of Kandi, Murshidabad, using Smart phone

Remarks: Year: 2017

Title: NDMA, NDRF etc.

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Mock test of Cyclone in Sandeshkhali - 1 Block, Nazat Cyclone center, North 24 Parganas on July 15, 2016

Title: NDMA, NDRF etc.

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Mock Drill on Flood at Kandi Sub-Division in Murshidabad District from 17th to 21th August, 2016 for ground testing the device prototypes and software systems

Title: CISF long with firefighting teams

Remarks: Collaboration Area: to improve their response with this system in place

Title: West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Pilot testing of the system at their disaster management sites in Asansol/Durgapur Region, West Bengal

Title: Durgapur Steel Plant (SAIL)

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Mock Drill on Gas Leakage at Durgapur, June, 2017

Title: Directorate of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of West Bengal

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Spreading digital literacy across the Artisans , October 2017

Title: Doctors For You (IIMC, IIEST, HIT

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Post disaster situation analysis, data collection for resource mapping and field trial for developed Android apps.

Title: CASA

Remarks: Collaboration Area: collection of information on current disaster management practices and scope of using ICT in disaster management

Title: SPADE (an NGO working for empowerment of rural communities of West Bengal)

Remarks: Collaboration Area: collection of information on current disaster management practices and scope of using ICT in disaster management

Title: Social Informatics Research Group, IIMC
Institutes: IIM-CAL

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Techno-Management Advisor and Project Coordinator

Title: Chandanpiri Sri Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, Namkhana

Remarks: Collaboration Area: Local community service organization managing local facilities

Title: Banglanatak dot com

Remarks: Collaboration Area: : "Online Training Programme on Work-place English and Digital Literacy" in three villages of West Bengal in districts of Bankura, Burdwan and West Medinipur.

Title: NCoRe: Information System for Next Generation Collaborative and Responsive Community
Institutes: IIM-CAL
Title: Disaster Messenger
Title: Information Drop Box for temporary data storage during disaster to help offline data exchange in store-carry-forward mechanism (hardware)
Institutes: NIT-DURGAPUR
Title: DisarmConnect for P2P connection on devices (software)
Title: pSync for P2P synchronization of information (software)
Title: DMS mobile app for situational information collection (software)
Title: UrbanEye: A Smartphone Based Navigation cum Alert System to Assist Travel in Public Buses
Title: CTMR-Collaborative Time-Stamp based Multicast Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks in Post Disaster Scenario.
Title: A prototype Resource Allocation Tool using Google Map API and ONE Simulator for help allocating network resources for building efficient post-disaster communication framework
Title: Spreading awareness for disasters at national level

Remarks: Offered to: Disaster managers from Assam & Nagaland (NDRA & NDRF)

Title: BOS member

Remarks: Prof. Sipra Das Bit since 2013

Title: BOS member
Institutes: HIT-KOL

Remarks: Prof. Siuli Roy since 2013

Title: NBA

Remarks: Prof. Sipra Das Bit since 2012

Title: AICTE

Remarks: Prof. Sipra Das Bit since 2013


EnTER: An Encounter Based Throwbox Deployment Strategy for Enhancing Network Reliability in Post-disaster Scenarios over DTN


Full paper

Conference Paper
Year: 2019


Fairness in Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks


Full paper

Conference Paper
Year: 2019


iSecure: Imperceptible and Secure Peer-to-peer Communication of Post-disaster Situational Data over Opportunistic DTN


Full paper

Conference Paper
Year: 2019


, Sujoy Saha, Subrata Nandi


Full paper

Conference Paper
Year: 2019


Post-disaster map builder: Crowdsensed digital pedestrian map construction of the disaster affected areas through smartphone based DTN


Full paper

Journal Paper
Year: 2019


Productive Ageing: Insights from an Action Research dealing with Senior Citizens’ engagement with an E-Learning Platform to Educate Underprivileged Children


Full paper

Journal Paper
Year: 2019


Reliable Post Disaster Services over Smartphone based DTN


Full paper

Year: 2019

By Year
2013 (0) 2014 (13) 2015 (19) 2016 (24) 2017 (12) 2018 (7)
By Type
Conference (42) Journal (12) Poster (1) Book (2)


The research in this proposal aimed at bringing together multiple facets of communication networks pertaining to physical layer access in uncoordinated settings. In particular, devices or nodes in a network often have to account for multi-user interference mitigation, maintain energy by using sources of harvest, and o er improved physical layer security and privacy in presence of eavesdropping and spoo ng. While the extended goal of merging the respective solutions in these elds together for a complete physical layer network solution was the long term ambition behind the proposal, the listed objectives aimed at solving the individual research problems and explore their connections.


Signal constellations employing multiplicative groups of Gaussian and Eisenstein integers for Enhanced Spatial Modulation


Full paper
Goutham Simha G.D., Raghavendra M.A.N.S., Shriharsha K, U. Shripathi Acharya

Year: 2017

In this paper, we propose two new signal constellation designs employing Gaussian and Eisenstein Integers for Enhanced Spatial Modulation (ESM). ESM is a novel technique which was propounded by Cheng et al. The advantage of ESM over other Spatial Modulation (SM) schemes lies in its ability to enhance spectral efficiency while keeping the energy efficiency intact. This is done by activating either one or two antennas judiciously depending upon the required trade-off. In ESM, information radiated from the antennas depends upon index of the active transmit antenna combination(s) and also on the set of constellation points chosen, which may include points from multiple constellations. In this paper, we propose signal constellations based on multiplicative groups of Gaussian and Eisenstein integers. The set comprising of Gaussian and Eisenstein integers serves as primary and secondary constellation points for Gaussian Enhanced Spatial Modulation (GESM) scheme.


A comprehensive framework for Double Spatial Modulation under imperfect channel state information


Full paper
Goutham Simha G.D., Shriharsha K. , Raghavendra M.A.N.S., U. Shripathi Acharya
Physical Communication 25
Year: 2017

The essential requirement for a 5G wireless communication system is the realization of energy efficient as well as spectrally efficient modulation schemes. Double Spatial Modulation (DSM) is a recently proposed high rate Index Modulation (IM) scheme, designed for use in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless systems. The aim of this scheme is to increase the spectral efficiency of conventional Spatial Modulation (SM) systems while keeping the energy efficiency intact. In this paper, the impact of imperfect channel knowledge on the performance of DSM system under Rayleigh, Rician and Nakagami-m fading channels has been quantified. Later, a modified low complexity decoder for the DSM scheme has been designed using ordered block minimum mean square error (OB-MMSE) criterion. Its performance under varied fading environments have been quantified via Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, a closed form expression for the pairwise error probability (PEP) for a DSM scheme under conditions of perfect and imperfect channel state information has been derived. This is employed to calculate the upper bound on the average bit error probability (ABEP) over aforementioned fading channels.


Secure computation of randomized functions: Further results


Full paper
Deepesh Data, Vinod M. Prabhakaran
 2017 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)
Year: 2017

We consider secure computation of randomized functions by two users, where both the users (Alice and Bob) have inputs, Alice sends a message to Bob over a rate-limited, noise-free link, and then Bob produces the output. We study this problem when privacy is required only against Bob, i.e., from the message, Bob must not learn any information about Alice’s input other than what can be inferred by his own input and output. We give a single-letter expression for the optimal rate. We also explicitly characterize securely computable randomized functions when input has full support, which leads to a much simpler expression for the optimal rate. Recently, Data (ISIT 2016) studied the other two cases (first, when privacy is required against both the users; and second, when privacy is required only against Alice) and obtained single-letter expressions for optimal rates in both the scenarios. Yassaee, Gohari, and Aref (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2015) studied the case when there is no privacy requirement and obtained a single-letter expression for the optimal rate, when Alice and Bob interact for arbitrary but finite number of rounds, and both of them may produce potentially different outputs.


Coding for Arbitrarily Varying Remote Sources


Full paper
Amitalok J. Budkuley ,  Bikash Kumar Dey ,  Vinod M. Prabhakaran
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Year: 2017

We study a lossy source coding problem for a memoryless remote source. The source data is broadcast over an arbitrarily varying channel (AVC) controlled by an adversary. One output of the AVC is received as input at the encoder, and another output is received as side information at the decoder. The adversary is assumed to know the source data non-causally, and can employ randomized jamming strategies arbitrarily correlated to the source data. The decoder reconstructs the source data from the encoded message and the side information. We prove upper and lower bounds on the adversarial rate distortion function for the source under randomized coding. Furthermore, we present some interesting special cases of our general setup where the above bounds coincide, and thus, provide their complete rate distortion function characterization.


Renyi Information Complexity and an Information Theoretic Characterization of the Partition Bound


Full paper
Manoj M. Prabhakaran, Vinod M. Prabhakaran
d International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2016)
Year: 2016

In this work we introduce a new information-theoretic complexity measure for 2-party functions, called Rényi information complexity. It is a lower-bound on communication complexity, and has the two leading lower-bounds on communication complexity as its natural relaxations: (external) information complexity and logarithm of partition complexity. These two lower-bounds had so far appeared conceptually quite different from each other, but we show that they are both obtained from Rényi information complexity using two different, but natural relaxations.


Function Computation through a Bidirectional Relay


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Jithin Ravi , Bikash Kumar Dey
 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 
Year: 2016

We consider a function computation problem in a three node wireless network. Nodes A and B observe two correlated sources X and Y respectively, and want to compute a function f(X, Y ). To achieve this, nodes A and B send messages to a relay node C at rates RA and RB respectively. The relay C then broadcasts a message to A and B at rate RC . We allow block coding, and study the achievable region of rate triples under both zero-error and error.As a preparation, we first consider a broadcast network from the relay to A and B. A and B have side information X and Y respectively. The relay node C observes both X and Y and broadcasts an encoded message to A and B. We want to obtain the optimal broadcast rate such that A and B can recover the function f(X, Y ) from the received message and their individual side nformation X and Y respectively. For a special case of f(X, Y ) = X * Y , we show quivalence between i-error and zero-error computations– this gives a rate characterization for zero-error XOR computation in the broadcast network.


An LP Characterization of the Secret-message Capacity of Three Erasure Networks With Feedback


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Laszlo Czap, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Christina Fragouli, Suhas N. Diggavi
Year: 2016

This paper presents exact capacity characterizations for the case, when a principal, Alice, wants to securely send a message to another principal, Bob, over three network configurations: the parallel edges network, the V-network, and the triangle network. We assume that: 1) a passive eavesdropper, Eve, overhears any one edge in the network; 2) each edge corresponds to an independent broadcast packet erasure channel with arbitrary erasure probabilities; and 3) all legitimate nodes can publicly but causally acknowledge whether they received each packet or not. We develop optimal achievability schemes that are expressed as linear programs (LPs) and share a two-phase structure, where at the first phase, we create secret keys, and at the second phase, we use them to encrypt the transmitted message.

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